"More and more people 'know' that we are so much more than we have traditionally thought. How wonderful that you have worked to bring together a group of therapists with high professional standards yet the wisdom to accompany the healing process."

Judi Bertoia

"We are the forerunners in the field and always have been. . . .We must stand up for creativity and the creative process. And we must do it now. We are not like the others. We are unique and special."

Jane Goldberg, PhD

"I like the way you leave a lot of space for creativity, imagination and freedom for all members."

Maya Korsunskaya, PhD


Membership in The National Expressive Therapy Association is divided into Full, Student and Associate categories. Full Membership is available to practitioners in the field, or related professionals who are also involved in some capacity with the arts. Student Membership is available to both full- and part-time students, in any field of study. Associate Membership is available to all other interested persons (administrators, insurance agents, publishers, etc.) and organizations (local, state, regional).

(from left to right) Drs. Scott McGowan, June M. Conboy and Daniel Araoz
at an Association conference.

The National Expressive Therapy Association grants Certification in expressive therapy and in expressive arts therapy. Certification in expressive therapy requires a master's degree in any field, plus 2 years of full-time institute training in expressive therapy, or their equivalent. Certified expressive therapists have the right to use the mark "Certified Expressive Therapist" after their name in connection with their rendering of expressive therapy. Certification in expressive arts therapy requires a bachelor's degree in any field, plus 1 year of full-time institute or other professional training in expressive arts therapy, or their equivalent. Certified expressive arts therapists have the right to use the mark "Certified Expressive Arts Therapist" after their name in connection with their rendering of expressive arts therapy. Holders of Certification in either category are eligible to apply for Board Certification (which requires continuing education).

Certification is available to Full Members only. Full Membership must be maintained to retain Certification. (Note: An individual who for any reason is no longer a Full Member in good standing, who attempts to use his/her former Certification or similar mark in any way, is thereby engaging in fraudulent and illegal activity.)

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Any copying, distribution or preparation of derivative works is strictly prohibited.

Custom web graphics by Jolie Kanter of PsyberLink Web Design

("The true artist helps the world by revealing mystic truths")

Bruce Nauman

"Where new discoveries are made or old ones reformulated, there is a cultural lag during which the discovery is understood only by a few and seems relevant only to a small portion of the population. Thus, the application of the new principles is delayed. During the time of lag the innovators of the new position, painfully confronted with the resistant or disbelieving society, need to devote considerable energy to managing this resistance so that the principles may become realized."

Erving Polster

Doctor Gachet's Garden in Auvers
Vincent van Gogh