
What's this thing you call love?
Does it include me - -
Ever obsess over something
so undefined?
Every thought of it
brought on by thoughts of you
and vice versa
two ideas
two concepts
linked, almost genetically.
Seems like it's been that way since birth
even conception
cuz it's a bad habit I just can't kick.
This love
(whatever that means?)
must have run through my blood
while still in the womb
Even now I rely on it.
Giving me the high to get through the day
yet harming me
causing breakdowns
of emotions
and nerve cells.
Making others wonder
Why I can't just let it
They say the mention of you
makes my spine disappear
and it's true
I admit it.
I openly acknowledge my obsession.
But even if I could,
quit, that is
I don't know if I would.
Although I rarely enjoy
this weight that lies on my chest
constricts my breathing
causes pain through the pumping
of my blood
But the perks
just holding your hand
the sound of your voice
the softness of your ears
seems to make up for it
every time.
This need won't go away
on its own
And if dropping contact completely
wouldn't kill me,
I'd consider it.