Name: Mike Huang
Year of Birth: 1972
High/Weight: 5'10 (that won't change) / 170-180lb (changes from time to time)
Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan
Education: Bachelor of Music (recording technology), Lebanon Valley College (Annville, PA).

Computer Science, University of Maryland at College Park.

The most important person in my life: Solomon

Things I enjoy:

Astronomy :Hubble

Art works by:

Michelangelo :



Photography :


Music : Almost every kind, Classical(here is the list of classical stuff I like), New Age, Pop and R&B....

Internet and Computer:

Outdoors and Nature:

Book: The Little Prince

Activities I enjoyed at Lebanon Valley Collete:

Varsity Swimming Team (4 letters), and be a jock!

Concert Choir

School Newspaper Photographer

Activities I do those days:

University of Maryland Chorus

Swimming, lifting and running.