INTRODUCTION: Welcome to Story Time! (title subject to change) This is one of our joint-collaboration pages which pretty much means all three of us contribute towards it and all decisions are finalized by unanimous vote. *gwin* Anyway, this particular page will be our creation together...what we will do is somebody will start a story and then when they feel like it, they will stop and the other person will carry on. To help the reader tell each storyteller apart we will use different font colours. Otherwise the story will continue at our own pace so that at least everyone gets one shot at telling a piece of the story. If the story gets chaotic or makes no sense well that is to be expected when three different people write a story...but who cares. It is fun for us, ne? :)

Eat your vegetables!

once upon a time there was a little boy who refused to eat his vegetables. every night at dinner he wouldn't even *look* at the green helpings. this made his parents very cross and they killed him. hehe, just kidding. his parents were cross about his veggiephobia, so they sent him to his room after every dinner. this gave the poor little boy complexes and for the rest of his life after every dinner he went to his room. everybody thought he was very strange for doing this and nobody wanted to be his friend. the poor boy, who died at the age of 80 without ever having a single friend in the whole world, went to vegetable heaven. since he had gone through his whole life without ever once eating a green, he was celebrated as a God to all veggies far and wide. and hence the scarecrow was made in the form of this little boy because he was, after all, made of hay.

the end! :D

well, *somebody* had to make a new story. :P!

and if you wanted to see our old story which was never finished, go here.

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