Sweet music! it's been a part of me my entire life, from listening to Abba and Crosby Stills and Nash from the comforts of my amniotic fluid sac, to seeing the last ever performance of Black Sabbath in Canada, at Ozzfest July 16th of this year. I've tried to play in various forms of bands over the years, but nothing much has come out of them except one screwy goofy tune, and a couple of really fun jam sessions. I seem to become myself in a show enviroment, the mosh pit, mainly....I'm only 5 feet tall and about a hundred and ten pounds, but I can sure handle myself in a pit situation. It makes me feel alive. HEer are some little blurbs on some of my favorite bands....some of them are still pretty scant but who cares? I'm going to fix them all up nice and purty pretty soon.....
So, anyway, Here, we have my favorite bands of the moment. Don't feel bad if your favorite band isn't included right now! Heaven knows, I probably like it too! but, these are the best of the best.