J Guanaquidiom (gwe_nak_idie_m)sJ

As you arrive from cooler climates and less exciting political/military enviroment, we thought you wil find the following list of frequently used expressions in El Salvador entertaining.
These colloquial expressions represent some of the purest vernacular communication used by GUANACOS (Salvadorans)...and that is not "pure straw." Whenever possible we provide the colloquial English equivalent of the given expression in brackets.

PAJA, PURA PAJA O HABLAR PAJA (straw, just straw or to talk pure straw) 1. not true, false.
2. with no valid meaning or content, an exaggeration.
3. (v) to talk nonsense or about irrelevant topics, to lie.
BIEN CHIVOS (real goats) 1. (to get, purchase or wear) somthing very fashionable, colorful, well designed.
2. CHivo (n.adj): a male goat, well dressed, pretty, ruffian.
MATAR CHUCO A TIEMPO (Killing your dog on time)1. to provide or making up an excuse anticipating an unconfortable or embarrizing situation.
2. a snappy answer to an uneasy question.
ESTIRAR LA PATA, PELAR GALLO O COLGAR LOS GUANTES (to strecth the leg, to skin the rooster or to hang up the gloves) 1. to die
2. to kick the bucket.
CAERSE DE LA MOTO (to fall off the motorcycle)1. not to be liked or loved anymore.
2. to fall out of favor.
HACERSE LA VIEJA FRESQUERA O HACERSE EL SUIZO (to pretend to be the old lady of the refreshments or to pretend to be from Switzerland) 1. to pretend not to understand.
to play dumb.
ASI COMO ES EL SAPO ASI ES LA PEDRADA (The size of the rock according to the size of the toadthe punishment should fit the crime, the effect depends on the cause.
AL CHUCHO MAS FLACO SE LE PEGAN LAS PULGAS (The skinniest dog gets the fleas) 1. the weakest person gets the blame.
2. the open wound draws the flies.
AHORA ES CUANDO CHILES VERDES (Now is the time for green peppers) this is the time to give or do your best.
NO HAY QUE COMER PAN DELANTE DE LOS HANBRIENTOS O NO HAY QUE CONTAR PISTO DELANTE DE LOS POBRES (You should not eat bread before hungry people or do not count your money before poor people) do not show off, tantalize or tease.
QUIEN NO CHILLA NO MAMA (the one who does not cry does not suckle) 1. you have to complain to be heard.
2. the squeeky wheel gets greased.
MACHETE ESTATE EN TY VAINA (machete, stay in your sheath) to keep one's mouth shut.
INDIO COMIDO, AL CAMINO (Indian who has eaten hits the road) once a meal, business or matter is over your may leave.
EL QUE CON NIņOS SE ACUESTA, AMANECE MOJADO (He who goes to bed with a baby, wake up wet) there is a logical effect to to any obvious situation.
EN BOCA CERRADA NO ENTRAN MOSCAS (a closed mouth gathers no flies) it pays to be discrete
QUERES MAS MASA PERIQUITO? (do you want some more dough, parrot?) 1. a late warming remark to someone wh has made a mistake or has been embarrassed.
2. to be careful.
3. the chickens cam home to roost.
CAMARON QUE SE DUERME SE LO LLEVA LA CORRIENTE (the sleeping shrimp gets carried away by the current) 1. one must be always on guard or alert.
2. to keep an eye on the ball.
AL QUE LE GUSTA EL CHICHARRON, CUANDO MIRA AL CUCHE SUSPIRA (he who likes pork rinds sighs whenever he sees a pig) 1. old habits are difficult to change.
2.you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
HABLAR SIN PELOS EN LA LENGUA O NO TENER PELOS AND LA LENGUA (to speak without hair on the tongue or not have hairs on the tongue) 1. to be frank, to speak bluntly or very frankly.
2. talk turkey, to get down to business.
SILBANDO EN LA LOMA (whistling on the hill) 1. to be left all by oneself.
2. to be left in the lurch, to be left twistling in the wind.
OJO AL CRISTO QUE ES DE PLATA (keep an eye on the crusifix for it's silver) 1.to keep and eye on your belongings, to be watchful
2.to keep an eye on the ball
DARSE CON LA PIEDRA EN LOS DIENTES (to hit your teeth with a stone) to get surprisingly nasty results, things backfired.
EL QUE ESCUPE AL CIELO, EN LA CARA LE CAE (he who spits at the sky gets his face wet) 1. when you talk or do something, you should be aware of the boomerang affect.
2.as ye sow, so shall ye reap.
3. you get what you give>
EL QUE QUIERA CELESTE, QUE LE CUESTE (he who wants blue sky has to work for it) 1. if you want results, you have to work for them.
2. nothing is for free, there's no such thing as a free lunch.
PARAR LA OREJA (stretching the ear) 1. to eavesdrop.
2. to have an ear at the keyhole.

I hope you found these sayings some kind of entertaiment for your sense of humor.
