The following is a topic that I feel strongly about. Being a Military Wife I thank God every time I see a P.O.W/M.I.A. symbol that my husband is not one. It may sound selfish and maybe I am a bit, but I don't ever want to lose him. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like for the family members of the brave soldiers that have sacrificed everything for our country. What I can do, however is my part in the struggle to bring them home. So I adopted a P.O.W./M.I.A. from my home state and that happened to be in the Air Force...just like my sweety. I plan on adopting another P.O.W. as soon as I can and as I am fighting this battle I will post updates as to what is going on so keep on checking back!!P.O.W. / M.I.A.
Gone But Not Forgotten
Since the war ended, over 250,000 interviews have been conducted with those who claim to know about Americans still alive in Southeast Asia, and several million documents have been studied. U.S. Government experts cannot seem to agree whether Americans are there alive or not. Distracters say it would be far too politically difficult to bring the men they believe to be alive home, and the U.S. is content to negotiate for remains. Over 1000 eye-witness reports of living American prisoners were received by 1989. Most of them are still classified. If, as the U.S. seems to believe, the men are all dead, why the secrecy after so many years? If the men are alive, why are they not home? In our haste to leave an unpopular war, it now appears we abandoned some of our best men. In our haste to heal the wounds of this same war, will we sign their death warrants? Or will we do what we can to bring them home?
The need to get specific answers is more important now than ever before. If still alive, most MIAs are middle aged now some are even approaching their 70's . . . . they don't have much time left. We have to demand the answers from the bureaucrats until they get the message that THEY work for US and that we are serious about getting these long overdue responses. Diplomatic considerations aside . . . we can no longer allow questionable protocols established by pseudo aristocratic armchair strategists, to determine or influence the fate of the men who were in the trenches while the diplomats were sharing sherry and canapés and talking about "Their Plans" for the future of SE Asia. We owe so much to all who have given more than mere words can say . . . and sometimes everything. I honor all who have served . . . I will always remember you . . . and I thank you for my life and freedom. UPDATE: June 30, 1998- I have adopted another P.O.W.
Captain George William Clarke, Jr. To find out more
about him visit the page I have dedicated to him.
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This Page is posted in loving memory of my grandfather, Evan Cooper, who bravely served his country in the US Army during World War II. Thank You Gramps for helping to protect my freedom as well as that of every other Americans, I miss you.