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Oh hello, poor lost soul, welcome to probably the stupidest site on the internet. It has been described as "about as funny as a fart in a elevator." by its author. Now you are probably wondering what this site is about aren't you("no," you shout in harmony " I don't give a flying...") well since you asked,
this site contains: Numerous attempts at humor (aka humour), Afroboy, Comebacks to crap pick up lines, Kinky Mr Ed, Deathwish Tours, Contraceptive Inovations, Stupid Cartoons and some very weird humour.
It isn't brilliant, but then neither are you (Reeeoow, saucer of milk table 9) just kidding, you're great, you're here aren't you? PLEASE Sign the Guestbook (my ego needs stroking:), I often visit the pages of people in there, and sometimes I even give them a link. Feel free to drop me a line at
Site News
7th of March 2006
This is now the old website, I have left this one here for posterity. My new website is Keeping It Surreal. One these days I'll registar a domain name and getting my own site without these annoying advertisments - or at least with annoying advertistment that send money my way! I don't intend to update the Killerpug part of the site anymore but I'll keep it just as a reminder of how far I've come - especially in terms of how my sense of humour has matured (i.e. not much).
Hello you are the person to accidently stumble on to this page(since the 1st of December 2001 counter reset), I pity you
"This page rips the fabric of space time with the sheer magnitude of its stupidity"
Einstein once said "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
This page is here to prove the latter.
Australian Tourism Ad Campaign Spoof
My take on the "Where the bloody hell are you" ads. They could have been worse.
Out of work actor
I'm an out of work actor. See video (4MB).
Keeping It Surreal
The is my new website with all my creative stuff on in. Originally it just had a link to my blog but now it has other stuff including video I have made.
Sketchy Wear
My T-shirt designs with my character Sketchy Girl at my Cafe Press online shop.
Crap pickup line comebacks and stuff to Say
Several ways of telling creeps to back off and other stuff to say. Not yet complete
Chipmunk going insane
(Flash Content)It's a Chipmunk going insane. "Why?" you ask, I have no idea, why not.
The Truth about Aliens
(Flash Content)The Truth About Aliens
Little Green Men meet the Little Bald Spineless Man
(Flash Content)Video account of a close encounter of the worse kind in Canberra...poor aliens
Dear John Letter
(Flash Content)Microsoft grammar check at its finest
Deathwish Tours
Tour of Bosnia for phobophiles. NOTE:I have removed the link because this is embarrassingly out of date and apparently Bosnia is a really nice place for holidays now. If you are curious visit"
Somewhat Dubious Sponsors Page
I apologise for these advertisments. My sponsors are scum I confess. But on the other hand their products are great! Check it out!
Contraceptive Innovations
Solutions to the world population crisis.
Wholesome Goodness
A few wholesome words just to raise the tone of this website.
Kinky Mr Ed
This page is what was I on? This page is pretty crap
For the kids
Rhymes for the kids....not.
The Sadistic Chicken Manipulator
Chicken Manipulating FAQ written by someone with Multiple Personality Disorder
Afro Boy
Just a picture of Afro boy. Basically just Astro boy with an Afro.
The Totally Apathetic Stickfigure Man
A crap comic with the anti-hero Sticky. And by the way the opening title isn't meant to be funny.
Monty Pythons Flying Circus
Self explanatory but for those who don't know it has nothing to do with a circus
Killer Pug
A crap comic I made when I was ten explained in too much detail but I think the pictures are ok
Killer Pug Pictures
Pictures of the Killer Pug character himself-including Darth Killer Pug.
Kellie Waymire
Kellie Waymire an know the one with the hair.
this is a more serious section of my page. So if this shit isn't your bag don't click here.
Links Page
Using the magic of the hyper text mark-up language (html) I've linked some other sites to this one. This new development in Web-engineering is has led to the development of what I link to call a "links" page. I'm hoping to copyright this idea and create an interconnected network or if you will an "internet"...damn it I'm going to be a billionaire!
If you put a link to my sit on you page this is where I'll put your link.
Calypso Pan-Tas-Tic
The Website for my Dad's band Calypso Pan-Tas-Tic featuring steeldrums.
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© copyright 1998. All rights reserved. Yeah if you actually want to copy this shit ask my permission via Email. If you don't something relatively unpleasant may happen to you.......but it probably won't be caused by me. lets face it I'm a puny little derkwood(a word I just made up) with no muscles and whose gentitals are hung like hamster that has had a dip in a cold pool.
This dosn't apply to the stuff I've stolen which includes the einstein pic, spinning Dalek, The picture of Mr Ed, Flaming Chicken head by Joe Worland and all pics in the MPFC and Deathwish tours pages. All written stuff is mine, sad I know I wish I could blame someone else.If you want me to take down a picture I've stolen from your site just send me a Email. Rather ironically the copyright symbol has been stolen from another site.
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