Ah yes Monty Pythons Flying Circus if this show was a girl I'd definately neck on with it(but if girls I know are anything to go by it probably wouldn't let me.)
So as a tribute to the great comedy group I've flogged the and pics from various sites around the web. Please don't sue me if you've found something I stole from your site,I stole it fair and square.
The BEST monty python site in the worldThis site has scripts for sketches and movies and lyrics for all the monty Pythons songs. I thinks it's the best Monty Pythons site on the internet but that's just my opinion
So far I've just linked to stone dead productions a Australia based Monty Python site but I will put in some of my own stuff.
Some gumby quotes
"my brain hurts"
"I think he's got beautiful legs"
"After five years they give me a brush"when asked if there is a chance for advancement in his toilet cleaning job.
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