I often wonder why humans living and working in space isn't as common as it is was portrayed in 2001: A Space Odyssey. It seems to me we have a whole mansion to explore (the universe) but we've taken all our stuff and put it in the toilet (the earth). Don't get me wrong, I love the earth, but its getting pretty cramped and it seems pretty stupid to let all that space go to waste.
People tend to look at human progress in two ways. First there's people
who think that progress
is essential and for all intents and purposes infinately
On the other end of the spectrum there
are people(greenies mostly) who think it is mostly
damaging and only sustainable for the short term and that
the enviroment should be protected from these modern evils
at all costs. I happen to fall
somewhere in the
The two extremes of thought are both seriously lacking in
strength, their arguments tend to tiptoe around any info that
doesn't support the bullshit that flows like Niagra falls from
their demented little inbreed mouths.
Pro progress people tend to waffle on about how the earth
has more then enough to support humans for a billion
years. This may be true but at the same time their
arguments concerning our impact on ecosytems and
biodiversity tend to be vague, something along the lines
of "oh, well we might be sending millions of species extict, but you
know, they might of died anyway, and hey most of them are
only icky bugs anyway. Ewww!"
The greenies of course go on about how technology is all bad
and that mobile phones are giving blue whales breast
cancer, which in turn causes global warming which melts the polar
icecaps and drowns the poor inocent panda bears.
tend to be huge hypocrites as well with staments like "Hey dude I'm a tree hugging vegan, I don't kill panda bears."
While at the
same time
leaving out the fact that their vegetables come
from land
that has been cleared which always destroys thes habitats of
native animals and plants.
Human have adapted their behaviour so well we can live in
numbers that wouldn't be sustained by an animal of the
same size and diet. The behavioral adaptions that have
allowed us to do this are:
Agriculture - this allowed us to abandon seasonal migration.
Without settling down it is almost impossible for
technology to improve beyond a primitive level.
Medicine - without it our average life spans would be
considerably lower, probably around 30 - 40years as
compared to the 70 - 80 years of most first world
Elimination of competitive species and Promotion of helpful species. For example we clear land of non food producing plants to make way for crops, then we kill off any "pests" that eat our crops. We clear land for pastures to feed livestock, then we kill any species that kills our livestock.
Food Storage and transport - surplus food can be stored so survial is not affected by natural seasonal differences in food supply. This is also tied in with commerce.
These adaptions mean that our:
Our population has rapidily increased
The area of land needed for human habitation has increased
Our need for resources has increased
And we have put great pressures on our natural enviroment.
If your not conviced of how much human actions can disturb the earth's delicate biological systems lets look at a good example, the Ashwan Dam in Egypt.
I pick this because it's a typical example of how projects with good intentions can have a bad knock on effect.
The Ashwan Dam is a hydro-electric dam in the Nile river.
Before it was built the Nile would flood annually which wasn't great seen as exceptionally great for the people who lived next to it.
So when they built the Dam they thought "Great we can stop the floods, fit in heaps of people in by the river and sell lots of electricity. Hooray!."
What they didn't count was that the floods were a very important part of the natural cycle.
The floods would bring silt to the shores of the nile.
This would make the land around it very fertile for crops.
In fact in ancient times people would be taxed according to the level of the floods.
Now of course without the floods the land is less fertile and requires fertilizer(which a lot of farmer there can't afford and it can produce algal bloom when it runs off into the rivers) and has resulted in the desertification of much of northern africa.
It's something that can't be reversed without flooding the homes of millions of people that inhabit the shore of the Nile.
Space give us a place where we can mine, grow crops
etc. without upsetting all the natural systems organic and
inorganic that keep us alive.
We can exploit space
free of guilt because there are no biological systems
for us to stuff up except what we put there.
difference between the closed enviroment of the station
and the closed enviroment of earth is that we can control the
enviroment in the stations and of course we'll understand
alot more about it compared to the earth.
I'm not suggesting we should abandon earth entirely but I
do think that the human population is way above what it
can sustain enviromentally. Every species has a
sustainable population limit and humans are no different.
I wouldn't be suprised if thelimit of how many
humans our planet can support is less than 1 million,
which is about what it was at the dawn of human exsistance
150-200thousand years ago.
So I'd suggest in the future the population of the earth
will be less than the population of space.
Now you
may wonder how this will ever happen, how do you get
people to moved from this small but comfy rock.
is something that stumped me before until I remembered
something similar has already before in human history -
it was the industrial revolution.
The move from
earth to space is not unlike the move from country to
city in the industrial revolution.
village industry is analogous to earth based industry and
city based mass production is analogous to space
industry. The main problem will be making sure all countries rich or poor will benefit. All too many
technological developments haven't reached the people who need it most in developing countries.