After experiencing near bankruptcy and having some creditors breathing down my neck I have been forced to take on some rather dubious sponsors. No, but seriously buy their products, I get paid commision.
To maintain the purity of our chicken we have one herb and no spices. Chicken, it's the superior white meat.
11.3squillion versions later and we're still working out the bugs.
Check out the new iCrash at you local dump.
Hey there hot stuff! Please insert your big games cartridge into me. Yeah baby turn me on. Oh yeah push my buttons and play with your joystick. Oh yeah baby I'm gonna take you to the next level. Oh no!Game over so soon. Sure honey, it happens to lots of men....those men just happen to be losers.
Hey we've finally merged. We didn't think you'd fall for the commercials for that long. We respect your intelligence. Drink Coke-pepsi, it's Viagra in a can!
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