The goal of Friday's Laws: How to Become Normal When You're Not and How to Stay Normal When You Are, is to make you think differently than you are thinking now. In a world of "experts" classifying every thought, emotion or difficulty as a disorder or syndrome, normal behavior has been passed by.
Well, "normal" is not "typical" or "average." Normal is not bland, not vanilla. You are uniquely normal - read what it takes to stay that way and to improve what is good and change what is not so good. I have developed eight Laws of normal, effective thinking.
These eight Laws are simple and effective. They are based on human brain location/function and provide a universal guideline to achieving what you need. They are the keys to keeping a balanced brain and achieving success without having to lose your mind. |
1. |
Life is difficult. |
2. |
Perception is reality. |
3. |
Change is the toughest thing a human being can do. |
4. |
You can never change another human being; you can only change yourself. Once you change, they change, but you cannot change them. |
5. |
I am responsible for everything I do and say. I am not responsible for your response. |
6. |
The future and the past are seldom as good or as bad as we anticipate or remember. |
7. |
Nobody has a squeaky-clean psyche. |
8. |
The only thing that lasts forever is...Now. |
Notice there are no "shoulds", "have to's", "got to's", "better" or "musts" in these Laws. Like Newtonian Laws of Physics, these eight laws of effective thinking simply describe the human condition when it works effectively.
With this work I've created a framework where you can retreat and gain perspective on the stresses and problems that effect your daily living. Think of this framework as a respite that offers a refreshing perspective of you and the people who enter your life. This is not a "fluffy-self-help-book." It also is not a heavy "shrinkeeze" book that only PhDs could understand. Please enjoy and let me know what you think and what you've learned.
You may be surprised at how special "normal" actually is. It can allow you to win…in your career, in your relationships and in life.
Paul J. Friday, PhD |