"Each tree & leaf and star show how the universe is part of this one cry..... that every life is noted and cherished, and nothing ever loved or lost is ever perished"........... Madeleine L'Engle
"Being myself includes taking risks with myself.... taking risks on new behavior, trying new way's of "being myself" so that I can see how it is that I want to be"........ Hugh Prather
"Enjoy life!! There's plenty of time to be dead!"....... Author Unknown
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".... E. Roosevelt
"Though we travel the world to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not"...... R.W. Emerson
"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality!"....... Jules de Gautier
"Faults are thick when love is thin".... Author Unknown
"When young, consider that one day you will be old.... and when old, remember that you were once young" Author Unknown
"Nonchalance is the ability to look like an owl when you have acted like a jackass!" Author Unknown
"You should discover your own truths through thoughtful evaluation of the idea's presented by others"...... Dewitt McKay Jazz Musician
"A man is rich according to what he is..... not to what he has"..... Author Unknown
"Love see's with the heart"..... William Shakespeare
"Those who have suffered much are like those who have known many languages; they have learned to understand all and to be understood by all"..... Author Unknown
"There is no better exercise for strengthening the heart than reaching down and lifting people up" Author Unknown
"Be careful how you live; you may be the only Bible some people will ever read" Author Unknown
"I have resolved never to do anything which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life" Author Unknown