A Friend

Sometimes a friend can
be hard to find.
Especially when you need them
through that dark stormy night.

A good friend will be there
through thick and then.
A best friend will be there
until the end.

You know you have a friend
if they are always by your side.
Then comes that dreadful day
when you must say good-bye.

You might not want to,
but you have no choice.
Then you feel like you're left alone
in a big, huge world with only one voice.

But I'm not that far away,
and neither are you.
So keep smiling to yourself,
and remember that I love you.

I will see you soon
and then we will be together.
But until then,
we must keep our memories forever.

Good friend you are the one thing
that I will keep dear to my heart.
Cause all I have to do is remember
that we aren't that far apart!

Hillary G. Bates (8-9-98)

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