"The Things Up Above"
As I step out of the door from the World Behind, I leave the pain and sorrow that fills my mind. The anger, the frustration, and even the dead... always get to you somehow in the end. The wanting, the needing, the things that you love; never seem to leave you and you can never get enough. The place that you have when your heart jumps high, to leave your mind down below as you fly through the sky. Your soul traveling with the stars above, and your heart saddened over things you love.
The night sky is bright with the stars above, as my feet caresses the ground that I walk upon. This place that I go when my heart is low, lifts my spirit up like a marvelous rainbow. The fields and the trees and the universe there, seem never ceasing when the wind blows my hair. The worries I had to fall from my soul, when I feel the spirits take me away from it all.
I share my place with no one but I, keeping it sacred until I die. My Lord and My Savior will someday take my spirit away, but my body will stay on Earth, in the way. The life that you live, determines where you go. The good things, the bad things all rolled into one. The woods, the leaves, and the wind, take me away from the world I'm in, and will never remain the same until someone else comes again.
Hillary G. Bates '92 |