Rashi | Sanskrit (English) |
Extent in degree |
from |
to |
1 |
Mesha (Aries) |
0 |
30 |
2 |
Vrishaba (Taurus) |
30 |
60 |
3 |
Mithuna (Gemini) |
60 |
90 |
4 |
Karkata (Cancer) |
90 |
120 |
5 |
Simha (Leo) |
120 |
150 |
6 |
Kanya (Virgo) |
150 |
180 |
7 |
Thula (Libra) |
180 |
210 |
8 |
Vrishchika (Scorpio) |
210 |
240 |
9 |
Dhanus (Sagittarious) |
240 |
270 |
10 |
Makara (Capricorn) |
270 |
300 |
11 |
Kumbha (Aquarius) |
300 |
330 |
Though Rashi (division of moving group of stars) band stats from 0 to 360 degree, but in Vedic Jyotish each Rashi (division of moving group of stars) gets initialized to zero in the beginning. Thus each Rashi (division of moving group of stars) will have 0 to 30 degrees in Mesha (Aries) and Vrishaba (Taurus) and so on. The above chart with degrees is just for our understanding and making the concept clear.
Refer to table below and find out the Rashi (division of moving group of stars) from the date of birth of an object. If object is born in Feb 24th, then your Rashi (division of moving group of stars) is Kumbha (Aquarius). Also note that Surya (Sun) moves from one Rashi (division of moving group of stars) to another, which is called Sankranti.
Rashi | Sanskrit (English) |
Sidereal |
from |
to |
1 |
Mesha (Aries) |
13th Apr |
14th May |
2 |
Vrishaba (Taurus) |
15th May |
14th Jun |
3 |
Mithuna (Gemini) |
15th Jun |
14th Jul |
4 |
Karkata (Cancer) |
15th Jul |
14th Aug |
5 |
Simha (Leo) |
15th Aug |
15h Sep |
6 |
Kanya (Virgo) |
16h Sep |
15h Oct |
7 |
Thula (Libra) |
16h Oct |
14h Nov |
8 |
Vrishchika (Scorpio) |
15th Nov |
14th Dec |
9 |
Dhanus (Sagittarious) |
15th Dec |
13th Jan |
10 |
Makara (Capricorn) |
14th Jan |
12th Feb |
11 |
Kumbha (Aquarius) |
13th Feb |
12th Mar |
12 |
Meena (Pisces) |
13th March |
12th April |
Each Rashi (division of moving group of stars) is owned by Graha (planet). Surya (Sun) and Chander (Moon) owns one Rashi (division of moving group of stars) each, rest all owns two Rashis (division of moving group of stars).
Rashi | Sanskrit (English) Name |
Lord of Rashi |
1 |
Mesha (Aries) |
Mangal (Mars) |
2 |
Vrishaba (Taurus) |
Shukar (Venus) |
3 |
Mithuna (Gemini) |
Budh (Mercury) |
4 |
Karkata (Cancer) |
Chander (Moon) |
5 |
Simha (Leo) |
Surya (Sun) |
6 |
Kanya (Virgo) |
Budh (Mercury) |
7 |
Thula (Libra) |
Shukar (Venus) |
8 |
Vrishchika (Scorpio) |
Mangal (Mars) |
9 |
Dhanus (Sagittarious) |
Bhraspati (Jupiter) |
10 |
Makara (Capricorn) |
Shani (Satrun) |
11 |
Kumbha (Aquarius) |
Shani (Satrun) |
12 |
Meena (Pisces) |
Bhraspati (Jupiter) |