Better, Faster, Cheaper
On line call for
entries: the new NASA Collection.
One of the many assets
of the North American Space Agency (NASA) is a fairly extensive art collection.
Over 200 artists have been commissioned to do over 800 pieces, devoted to
"provide a historic record of NASA projects" and "also give
the public a new and fuller understanding of advancements in aerospace".
In addition, more than 2000 works of art have been donated to the agency,
including some by my man Norman Rockwell.
Alas, despite the
participation of Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg and some other luminaries;
one click in NASA's "samples"
page reveal that the collection is somewhat; well, cheesy. Therefor I believe
it necessary that new art is assembled to represent the real spirit of the
NASA mission. Just to show my dedication to the current state of the space
program, I have dubbed this invite "Better, Faster, Cheaper",
like the Space Shuttle. Isn't.
More like the Pathfinder
mission in 1997, this will be a bare-bones exhibit, strictly confined to this
online site. Although all entries will be published here, no entry fee will
be taken and no rewards handed out. All I ask is that an image in JPEG format is Emailed to me at If you absolutely can't scan your image, I will accept
it as a slide and scan it for you, but I am unable to return slides unless
you go to my school. With
your entry, you should include a statement of at least 250 words, on why your
piece belongs in the NASA collection. Those comments will be published with
your piece. Deadline for this call for entries is open ended. A bunch of announcements
will go out over the web inviting artists to participte, but really it's open
to all, so tell your friends.
Best; Ulrika, webmistress.
Marilyn Donahue
Marilyn Donahue
Your Entry
Your Entry
Your Entry
How to Become an
official NASA Artist
Artists interested
in participating in the NASA Art Program should send slides and resume to:
NASA Art Program,
Public Services Division
Code POS, Office of
Public Affairs
NASA Headquarters,
Washington, DC 20546.