HelenaDax's Vague and Indfferent Gender page Where you can be fluid, mercurial and swimming wherever you want in the great continium ocean known as gender.
"It changes your skin, your sex and what you're wearing." -Ani Di Franco
I don't believe in gender as a biological aspect. We are the people we are, because of our own individual traits, not those which have been established for us, because of our plumbing. This page contains my various opinions & research on this non-subject, plus a few profiles of people who I have considered bi-gendered or completely ungendered. Browse, enjoy and feel free to discuss. |
"DeSade is combining and splicing genders, realizing fantasies, sending his little boats into the raging ocean of human desire...Thierro is a non-- DeSade's new gender, cruel and poised, beautiful and self-contained ub their perfection." - The Invisibles by Grant Morrison |