This image was produced in Adobe Photoshop for a interactive project. The picture is far larger than a computer screen and using a control panel the viewer can roam around inside the picture. For a closer look at a section of the picture please click on the image.
This image is one page of an interactive program employed in a educational project to teach junior high school students about archeology. Using Macromedia's Director and Lingo programming a click on any button of the interface moved the user to that topic or page. The buttons were programmed to respond with a sound much like a camara's shutter when the page changed. Middle Eastern music played softly in the background to help lend the topic a feel of the exotic. The interface was also designed to feel exotic. The interactivity is high-tech but the interface looks gold and as if it were dug up from an archeology site itself. It was felt a mix of Star Trek and Indiana Jones would appeal to children in this age group. The interface itself was created in Adobe Photoshop. The layout of the content and photos was done with Macromedia Freehand 8. The photos were taken on an archeology dig in the Banda Islands of Indonesia using a 35mm Lica camara with a 35mm lense.
This project involved creating a corporate identity for a travel company specializing in Asian travel. The company logo was first drawn by hand then imported into Macromedia's Freehand 8 where it was further refined and colored. Lettering for the company name was created in Freehand 8 and combined with the logo before exporting it to Photoshop where light, shadow, and texture were added.