
Was "My F*cked Up Theology"

Here it is, what everyone has always asked for:  My Grimoire of religious knowledge.  If you ever wanted to be just like me, here's your chance.

I am not a natuaral Teacher.  I am a natural witch.  I am not a Preacher.  I am a Religious Theorist and a Philosopher.  These pages are intended to show a different path, and how I found mine, as well as offer some practical guidance to spiritual seekers every where.

Mine is an intuitive path.  I walk it by ear, intuition and heart.  In this one thing, the shattering of my personality has been a blessing.  Because only one of my aspects is in the world at any given time, the other two spend some of their extra time in the spiritual realm, which is sort of like extra tutoring.

Anyway, without further adieu, here's my theology.

Note:  Some of you will say I made this up.  To a large degree, you will be correct.  Everyone makes everything up.  Read it anyway.  :-)

The Cult of the Morrigu`

Servitude as a Spiritual Path

As with all things, this story starts in myth.  Some of the myth I am about to relate is my myth, and some is recorded Celtic fact.  One of the unique talents I have is the ability to find the "Why" in a climb inside the character and learn.

I discovered the Morrigu` just before I Became in 1989 ( see The Telling).  It was a post script on a tediously written page of Celtic folklore.  Morrigan, the Battle Crow, consort to the Dadga, who slew the warriors who fled at Mag Turied.  She was triune in nature, but unlike the Mother figures becoming popular at that time, she was a warrior.

I reread the text, frustrated. A goddess, threefold, who presided over battle, her symbol the hooded crow...who made love to the Dadga just before the battle in the Shannon River.  What could be more dramatic?  They must've had to work to make this boring!  I could tell a better story than that!

And  then there was a whisper in my soul, deep down..."Your a storyteller from a family of storytellers.  Tell the story."

I studied more.  Later text called her the goddess of battle, strife and fertility.  This told me that she was a source of primal feminine energy.  They saw her as dangerous because she didn't conform as easily to hearth and home as did Briget (who is her daughter, consequently).  She was beautiful, sensual, sexual, and utterly dangerous.

Morrigan, I believe was a real woman, and the first Banshee (she wept for what the Formorians stole from her and her people).  She was a brilliant military strategist, equal to Dadga himself.  Why then, did she end up BEHIND him?  Because Morrigan was a powerful  servant.

She recognized the Dadga was to be the political leader, and he recognized her ability with magick an with war.  Here we see the perfect example of how to give/recieve service.  Morrigan offered for the Greater Good.  Dadga accepted, recognizing her gift as the perfection of selfless love.

Now there was another side  to this.  What happened when Morrigan offered her aid and was refused/humiliated?  Ask Culcannon.  Morrigan offered her love to him on three occassions.  Each time he refused to acknowledge her Deity.  Finally, she withdrew her protection and he was killed.  I will discuss this more when I write on the blood price.

We see that she was not a powerless slave.  She was Death, and she knelt only for those worthy to recieve her.

I think that in a way, I remade myself in her image.  I will give anything to anyone as long as they honor me.  *S*

The Morrigan and of course the Dadga have taught me things over the years that I could've never learned if I were vanilla and church going. They make me aware of who and what I am, and who I am to be.

The central difference in my view of paganism and modern Wiccans for instance is that they believe that life is a journey.  Like hell!  Life is a battle.  Everyday, we fight our circumstances, we fight our surroundings and we fight ourselves in the hope of winning that little  battle that lets us know we have become more than we were through it.

Without realizing it, we bumble through our lives without ever realizing that we must choose something to fight for, and something to fight with.

I fight for the Greater Good.  I do so by not fighting.  I will  not raise my hand in defense of self. I will  do so in defense of an innocent.

I try to teach through example a different Way.  A hope that one day soon we will be One instead of just talking about it.  How could I actively harm another when they are me?  How could I hold a grudge, or hate, even when I have been hurt.  To do so is foolish.  I let it go.

I have learned that love is NOT a feeling.  Love is an activity, it's a duty, and it's an action verb.  You love when you don't feel it, and it comes to fruit in your life.  You can't always see your way, so you do what you know is right and wait for the moon to rise.  Your mother won't let you stay lost in the woods.   Trust me.  I speak from experience.
