Welcome to my art gallery. I've decided to put some of my favorite drawings on display here,
so the world and witness my talent (or lack thereof). I figure this will be an excellent way for
me to recieve some feedback on my art, and maybe get some pointers from fellow artists. At any
rate, art is something that I've been doing since I was in the third grade (I found a really old
picture that I did back then that I'll put up on display soon, just for kicks). I've progressed
over the years, from colored pencils and crayons, to watercolors, to pen and ink, and on to those
fancy shmancy graphic pencil sets. My favorites of course are the pen and ink drawings and the
graphic pencil portraits. I hope you like what you see, and if you want to, drop me a line and let
me know what you think! Thanks, and enjoy!
NOTICE: All images on this page are the property of Steven Vaught and may only be used with the express permission of the owner. If you'd like to copy one for personal use, go right ahead, but any attempt to make a profit or otherwise gain from the selling or distributing of my artwork will result in prosecution to the full extent of the law. All pictures on this page are Copyright Steven Vaught, 2002. I hate to have to say that, but such are the times we live in...besides, I'm in law school---this is the type of stuff I'm trained to write...
Please click on which section of my gallery you'd like to visit---my High School collection, or my College collection. I won't say which is better---you'll have to see that for yourself and you decide.
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I am interested in what you think, so please leave any and all comments,
questions, or suggestions in my GUESTBOOK!
Or drop me a line, via e-mail!!
WebSite Administrator is Steve Vaught
Last revised:
August 28, 2002
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