Steve's Genealogy Page
Welcome to my genealogy page. From here, you'll be able to visit a group of pages regarding my fascination with genealogy. I'm just starting out with this page, so be patient. Things, and I means LOTS of things will be posted here, from deeds, wills and land grants I've collected over my travels to GEDCOM files and family trees. For most of you visitors, this will all mean nothing, but I'm hoping there will be at least a few people who'll appreciate what's here and might even be researching the same people/lines that I am! So without further ado.....
Genealogy Pages
(under construction)
VAUGHT page----links, info, and the ancestry of my Father's side, the Vaughts.
LATHAM page----links, info, and the ancestry of my Mother's side, the Lathams.
My ancestral pedigree charts----a work in progress, I've got tons of people to add...
Maps---see the places my family has lived at over the centuries.
Surnames---Here's a list of all the surnames I'm researching, inlcuding the major names in my files.
Mysteries---Here's where I'm lumping all my unsolved cases and brick walls...maybe you can help!
General Genealogy Links----resources on the net, from Cyndis List to the LDS and more!
I am interested in what you think, so please leave any and all comments,
questions, or suggestions in my GUESTBOOK!
Or drop me a line, via e-mail!!
The number of genealogists who have accessed this site:
WebSite Administrator is Steve Vaught
Site Created:
July 9, 2000
Last revised:
28 August, 2002
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