Morgan Hill Historical Museum

Morgan Hill, California

Morgan  Museum House

The John Acton family came to Morgan Hill from Minnesota in the first week of January 1910. They joined Mr. Acton's grand parents, George and Mary Kimble, who had come in 1902. John Acton built a home at 170 Warren Avenue on Knob Hill in 1911 at a cost of $2700. John Acton died in 1955 and his widow, Charlotte Louise Acton died in 1956. Their daughter, Halcyon, inherited the house. Their son John Edward Acton and his wife Margaret had two Sons, Edward and Alan.
In January 1980, owner Chris Williams donated the house to the City of Morgan Hill for use as a Community Museum. The Morgan Hill Historical Society formed the Morgan Hill Museum Foundation in February of 1980. Community Development Block Grant funds were secured from the City of Morgan Hill for rehabilitation and the structure was moved from Warren avenue to its present location on January 1983 and with the assistance of more than 100 firms and individuals, the rehabilitation was completed. Starting in 1984, permanent displays of the city's artifacts and historical photographs have been assembled. The history of Morgan Hill and surrounding areas are revealed in these educational displays and exhibits.
To check on Museum visiting hours call (408) 779-5755.

Inside The Museum House

Morgan Hill Museum House

Morgan Hill  Museum House

Morgan Hill Museum House

Morgan Hill Museum House

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