Photo-Picchetti Winery

Original Picchetti Winery Building

Cupertino, California

Picchetti Winery in Monte Bello Open Space Preserve

The Picchettis developed their acreage in the 1880's and built this picturesque stone winery in 1896. They produced wine for many years under the Picchetti Brothers label. Adjacent to the original winery building is the Picchetti Homestead House which was built about 1882 by Vincenzo and Secondo Picchetti, Italian immigrant brothers who were among the first to settle on Monte Bello Ridge. They lived there until the larger family home was completed in 1885. The homestead then served as ranch hand housing, a workshop, and a storage area. The winery, homestead, and surrounding property were purchased by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District in 1976. The site and buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and were restored by the District with the cooperation of the winery operators. Wine is no longer produced on the property. The original winery building is used for wine tasting, sales and special events. The Winery complex is leased to a private operator and wine is sold exclusively under the Picchetti label. The historic wine tasting room is open from noon to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. The Winery is located at 13100 Montebello Road, Cupertino, CA.

Photo-Homestead House

-Photo-Plaque Homstead House


Over 40 Proud Peacocks Roam The Property

Photo-Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting In The Former Winery Building

Sketch-Home & Winery

*Sketch-Picchetti Homestead Home & Winery

*Winner of 2001 Cupertino Coin Club Medal Design Contest.

Cupertino Medal-Home & Winery

*Bronze Medal-Picchetti Homestead Home & Winery

For more information write to the Cupertino Coin Club at P.O. Box 448, Cupertino, CA 95015.

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