A Pool of Blood
Here I swim on the dark water's edge
The faces of my past haunt me
They sing the sweet songs of sorrow
Their arms flailing in the air like those of the dead
Their dark horrible breath
They take their filthy worm infested lips and kiss my back
They tell me I'm something special.
Something Beautiful
I flail my arms now too
They eat away at my brains and I begin to cry
For I join them in eating my own brain
Who am I now?
One of them?
Who can I ask for help?
This isn't a movie
This is real life
And there's nothing I can do about it.
Only sit here and eat my own brains with my new Canadian friends
-Dr X (Xtacy: a rave drug or a canadian conspiracy?)
Jump on in the Pool
Cuz all the dice are making me hot.
-Chanty (Chanty)
Hello peoples!
I'm Superstud!
What is up, g?
Do you feel sticky?
You should!
After all I just vomited on you!
Do you not remember?
There was that man with the camera ...
And he said ... GO! And I vomited on you!
And then I snotted on you
And there was dice in my snot
And then you vomit/snotted all over me
And somewhere in Japan, people cheered.
-Daniel Krapki (Belly Up, Ass Down)
Portable Swimming Pools
wipe that drool of your face
my petite table syrup
don't forget where you came from
i'd fill up a pool with my neighbor's water
in the middle of the night
how you like them dice?
-Grant Ellison: Original Writings
I MAKE DEATHThe Learning Tree
They've been calling from the streets! Calling our name! What's up with this disco game? They don't know who to love, Or who to trust! What's up with things in my butt? Who's got the power?! IS IT MR DO?! Who's got the power?! Ooooh, Is it you? Who's got the power?! It's not the government! Cuz when the company wants to shut you down ... the gig is up my friend!! (they can't tell me that my power has gone the way of the dodo) THEY CAN'T TELL ME THAT MY POWER ... that my power ... Isn't real! (they can't tell you that it's over lock all your dice away) THEY CAN'T TELL ME THAT IT'S OVER! They can't make it go away! You gotta ... GRAB YOUR DICE! roll them all around! gotta ... READ SOME BOOKS! educate yourself! You know you gotta ... SHUT THEM DOWN staple them together! you gotta gotta ... LOSE 10 POUNDS! who's gonna love you if you're fat? no, no one will ... no one at all... no one loves fatty no one at ... ALL ... no loves fatty and his laffy taffy not a single soul (no not a single *motherfucking* soul) NOT ONE! POW! (i make death, i make death) SPAT! (i make death, i make death) -Heather Trance: I Make Death (Trance Collection Volume 3: `92-`95)
Me and Mommy
We're in this one together;
We're dancing on the back of ti-i-i-ime
Me and Mommy
She says that I'm ready
For bed because it just hit ni-i-i-ine
Me and Mommy
Finger pullin all o the way
Everyone you meet is engraved
Me and Mommy
Don't you read the Bible?
When we run we trip on our sleeves
And that's the Story
and i'm sticking to it
Dice never-ever make a mistake
(who told you where to find me?)
Injee Buckknees (Fibre Levre Seethre)
Rock Around the Table
You gonna rock?
Rock it up?
Rock it down?
Gonna smack them dice and rock all around
You best rock around the table for sumun smacks dat ass
tap dat ass
na na na na
smack it yack it uhhhh
-Beefy McDaddy (Hey Yo Shutup)
The Pool of Meaning*
In a pool of dice
Chiharu eats rice
But that's not as nice
As a Picnic with Christ
The Bible for Kids (Revelation 3:14)
To the Bottom
I can't swim to the bottom
It's scary down there
I can't swim to the bottom
I'll mess up my hair
what will they think? if i mess up my hair?
I can't just put my toes in
It might be chilly in there
I can't just put my toes in
Slip off might my underwear
what will they think? if my undies indeed slip off?
So i'll just roll these dice till I get 7
Then I'll decide
-Donny (That's Me!)
this is Bill McFiddleyerbuns
and I want YOU to buy my latest porno video
it's an absolute masturbation awakening when you watch
starring myself and my beautiful wife nancy
watch as nancy gets my finger in her butt
and then...poop
It'S SO FUNNY! (andsexual)
then watch as my COCK enters her "better hole"
check out as I stuff one ball after the other (3 in total)
inside nancy's gifted crapper
now i know what you're saying!!
hey...there's a little extra testes when good ol' bill is in the picture...
So do yourelf a favor and buy:
My wife nancy will be thankful, to say the least
Oh, and by the way...there's other stuff in the video i didn't mention...like bananas and acorns and dice and credit cards
-Bill McFiddleyerbuns (COMMERCIAL)
Male Empowerment
"suckers for motherfuckers
when you suck on my nut
then you just might shut up
now if you don't
then you won't
cuz you're a bitch"
right on mr dice. don't put up with that slut
-Lance Maxuk (A Sea of Shitty OS)
In The Great And Wonderful Tradition of "Male Empowerment"
"to say to this bitch
look, I straight up will smack
you across yo' mouth and fuck you up
And then, for real, I'm taking a phone
and telling ALL your friends
you're the BIGGEST slut EVER
and then I'm comin to your house
and oh god! PLEase take me back
And I'm crying! Oh God! NO?!
Fuck you Bitch 4-EVER!
right on frankie munez dice. don't put up with that bitch of a slut
-Lance Maxuk and Win Dohtu (ASOSO: THE REAL SEXISM)
Boys Are Like Operating Systems
when I log on, I reach around and jerk you off.
when I log off, I grab your dice untill you say "that's enough"
and then you fart liquid from your dick.
and it smells like shit
don't ever do that again, fag
-Sam McBistor (Inside Politics - the altruism of screwing people over)
The Kids Today *
The kids today have much more than I did
My body didn't glisten like that when I was thirteen
They have it better off than I did
I didn't have such a large bulge in my pants when I was thirteen
Much better than I did
I didn't get to refuse cookies from old men like myself
When I was thirteen
Much, much better
So I sit
Pathetic on a bench
Testicles hanging out the leg of my shorts
Like a lonely pair of aged dice
Who just want a young man to understand them
Make them feel young
But always so numb
Roy Hucklejus (Park bench memories)
Can't Pool Me
"you can't pool me!"
is what i say when i want to come off witty
but underneath that sarcastic sneer
is a heart so dear,
tender and juicy
in love with lucy
and truthfully
dark clouds surface
red eyes surface
red eyes ... purpose!
red eyes, thighs, filter tips
and lies, lies, lies
take off all your clothes,
and come to bed
let me feel your milky breasts
sorry for all the times you get upset
with me
and my moods
now let me feel your milky breasts
i said what i said and all of the rest
now let me feel your milky breasts
anesthedice me; analyze me
purify me, lie and charm me
run, run
"sympathy! and ornery!"
it's a harmony in my head
and it's lies, dice, lies
dice, lies, dice lies
lies, lines, dice, lines.
Punjabi (Metamorph! Power! Lies!)