Karen, Lisa and Maria

Karin, Lisa, and Maria are each wearing a long denim dress. Each is wearing different stockings underneath. One is wearing pantyhose, one is wearing thigh-highs, and one is wearing knee-highs. Each one is wearing a different slip, too. One is wearing a full minislip, one is wearing a knee-length half slip, and one is wearing an ankle-length half-slip. Use the clues below to find out who is wearing what.


  1. Neither Lisa nor Maria is wearing a full slip.
  2. The girl in pantyhose is not wearing an ankle-length slip.
  3. Maria is not wearing an ankle-length slip, nor is she wearing pantyhose.
  4. The girl in knee-highs, who is not Karin, is wearing the longest slip.

Solution to this puzzle

Bride, Bridesmaid, and Maid of Honor

Alice, Barbara, and Carol are the bride, a bridesmaid, and the maid of honor, but not necessarily in that order. One is really a woman, one is a man dressed as a woman, and the other is a man who has become a woman. But which is which?

  1. The bride was not born a woman.
  2. Carol is not the maid of honor, nor is she a woman.
  3. Alice is not the man dressed as a woman.
  4. Neither Alice nor Barbara is the bridesmaid, but Barbara really is a woman.

Solution to this puzzle

Ginny, Harriet, Irene, Jane

Each of these girls is wearing a different colored dress--pink, green, blue, or white. Three of them are planning to change. Use the following clues to determine who is wearing what, and what she is going to change into. To help you figure things out, be aware of the following: the one wearing a full slip will not change; the one wearing pettipants will change into shorts; the one wearing two slips will change into a shorter dress; while the one in socks will change into jeans.

  1. Neither Harriet nor Irene will change into jeans, but one is wearing a blue dress.
  2. Neither Ginny nor Jane is wearing pettipants, nor is either one wearing a white dress.
  3. The girl wearing blue, who is not Harriet, is also wearing pettipants.
  4. The girl in green, who is not wearing a full slip, is not Jane, and neither one is wearing two slips.

Solution to this puzzle

Sissy, Tricia, Ursula, and Vivian

Sissy, Tricia, Ursula, and Vivian each have a new tattoo. Use the clues to figure out what the tattoo is and where it is. One has a heart, one has her boyfriend's name, one has a butterfly, while the last one has a snake. One girl has her tattoo on her bottom, another has one on her ankle, a third has her tattoo on her back, while the last one has hers on her thigh.


  1. Sissy's tattoo is not on her bottom, nor is it a butterfly.
  2. Neither Ursula nor Vivian has a tattoo anywhere on her leg, while Tricia does not have a snake tattoo.
  3. The tattoo on the bottom is of a living creature, but not a boyfriend.
  4. Ursula's tattoo is her boyfriend's name, while the heart tattoo is on a thigh.

Solution to this puzzle

Bridesmaids & Flower Girl

There are three bridesmaids and a flower girl. Figure out who is who, who has which tattoo, and what kind of slip each is wearing under her dress.

  1. One of the maids, who is not DeDe, is wearing a full petticoat, but she does not have a snake tattoo on her thigh.
  2. The flower girl has a rose tattoo on her knee, but she is not Chrissy, and she is not wearing a full slip.
  3. Gail, who is the flower girl, is wearing a straight half slip.
  4. Flora is wearing a half petticoat, but she does not have a butterfly on her butt, nor does she have a heart tattooed on her ankle.
  5. The girl with the heart tattoo is not wearing a full petticoat.

Solution to this puzzle

Danny's Ex-Girlfriends

Dawn, Donna, Debbie and DeeDee have each had the same boyfriend, Danny. Before they broke up, Danny bought each girl a tattoo with his name on her bottom. Each tattoo is different: one is heart-shaped, one is in a circle, one is of a snake, and one looks like a tree.

Today, the girls are talking about Danny. They don't know about the tattoos, but when they start to tell each other . . . Meanwhile, each girl is wearing a different dress. One is a brown, knee-length skirt. Another is a pink miniskirt. One is a black, ankle-length gothic dress. The last is a blue, knee-length jumper dress. Match each girl with her dress and her tattoo.

  1. Dawn is not wearing a blue dress, nor does she have a heart tattoo.
  2. Donna is wearing a skirt, but not a miniskirt, nor does she have either a heart or a circle tattoo.
  3. Debbie is wearing a black dress, but she doesn't have a tree tattoo; however, the girl with the heart tattoo is wearing brown.
  4. The girl wearing a pink miniskirt, who is not DeeDee, has a snake tattoo.
Solution to this puzzle
