I love simple line work of black and greys. The playing of grey tones and white to indicate depth and lighting. Sometimes a black and white illustration also gives out a feeling of sadness and an impression of age ~ touching on memories of long long ago. I am not a trained artist ~ I draw only for the pleasure of it. Here are some simple artwork which I have done over the years.
Checkout also the work of my talented friend, Fadilla Abdul Samad, under Fadilla's World
Carol '95 (Portrait - Pencil)
KPM Ravindaran (Portrait - Pen & Ink)
Linda '89 (Portrait - Pen & Ink)
Reminiscing (Sketch - Pencil)
Saddam Hussein (Portrait - Pen & Ink)
Bootylicious (Illustration - Watercolour)
Anguish (Illustration - Marker & Watercolour)
Fire Queen (Illustration - Pen & Brush)
Leena Ravindran '97 (Portrait - Pencil)
George Bush Senior (Portrait - Pen & Ink)
Lost & Alone (Illustration - Watercolour)
Young Priyanka Gandhi (Portrait - Digital)