

Let me introduce you to some of my fellow peons...

Ever seen clerks...

This poor guy always seems to get called in on his day off. Of course, every time it happens he takes a day off in lieu, or at least shows up late and leaves early for a few days. For some reason though, he does come in when asked. Then whenever anybody asks him a question or wants him to do something, he responds by bleating piteously, 'But I'm not even supposed to be here today'!


The Surfer-type Dude

Favourite saying: 'Peace & Love, man, Peace & Love'.

Parting Words (as he ended his employment): 'This place, man, it, like, totally sucks the life-force right out of you...'


The Big-Talker

Occupation (according to his resumé): Corporate Development

What that really means: He makes photocopies.

Quote from Benefits Claim form after he cut his finger: The experience had 'a negative impact upon his soul'.


The Cry-baby

Age: 50-something

Can't work evening shift because: 'My mother wouldn't allow it'.

Thinks she's going to be fired for missing a penny from her till, but never realises that it's more likely to happen because she complains to customers. For example, let's say a customer's bill came to $3.83. If the customer were to say, that she had $3.82 or a fifty, this woman would make the customer break the fifty. 'They'd probably fire me if I was short any cash', she'll explain to the customer.


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