Fashion & style


Here are a few helpful hints for those of you in need of assistance.

What are people thinking?

As I was walking down the street this afternoon, I had to ask myself this question repeatedly. I work at the intersection of 'Young & Eligible' in the heart of Yuppieville. For the most part, it's a very stylish, trendy neighbourhood. Not today. It was thirty-some-odd degrees out there (Sorry fahrenheit people, I can't translate that for you.). Anyways, it wasn't exactly cold out. As I walk down the street, I noticed a woman with long, shaggy hair. The reason I noticed in the first place was that she had these huge sunglasses with orange frames, ridiculous things. She was wearing a thin, filmy purple t-shirt, and the next thought to cross my mind was, 'Chick, go home and put a bra on'! So I looked away, down towards the ground, down at her well-carpeted legs. The 60's are over!

I finished my errand, and was walking back up the street a few minuted later. I came across a rather large woman wearing leather pants (keep in mind what I just said about the weather) and a large, white mesh top with a black bra. (Hey, at least she was wearing one!) Perched absurdly on top of her head was this big, round, faux-fur hat. I ask again, what on earth are people thinking?


There's nothing wrong with sandals in general. As with anything though, there are things to keep in mind. Here's a little test: Look down at your feet, your bare feet. Really look at them, as if they were somebody else's. Chances are pretty good that if you don't want to look at your own feet, nobody else wants to look at them either! One other thing about sandals is that they do not belong with socks ­ never.


Be who you are

Not everybody is the same size or shape; there's no arguing that point. Why then, must people assume that they can wear any style? Different styles, fabrics, patterns, textures and colours all work to emphasise or disguise different things. Wear clothing that emphasises your best features. Don't play up what needs to be played down. Keep in mind that you can't hide everything. Work with what you've got! This isn't make believe.



Along the same lines as the above paragraph: wear clothes that are actually your own size. It's one thing to be a little bit sexy, and bare a bit of skin, but do it in clothes that were made to fit on your body.



I don't proclaim to be the Final Authority on Fashion & Style. Some people have great style, others don't. I have enough style to recognise what works, but not enough to be funky. I know it when I see it on other people, but for myself I stick to more conservative looks. If you can pull off the trendy looks, then by all means do so. If not, leave it to those who can.





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