February 3, 1999
A new poem by
Robert E Cargile

Butterfly and Rose

Then the Petals Fall

                  We hang around knowing we've enough space
                       To do those things some other time
                  That should be done today;
                       but we go on unhearing the bells' chime!

We touch and for a moment our heartstrings spring, But our thoughts wander aimlessly, Words escape as we speak of other things, Not seeing our feelings dealt with so carelessly.
Given, when our hearts are heavy, A little bouquet now, a card to follow, But when times are lively and gay. We prove our outward feelings carved so hollow.
The smile on those precious lips, Traveled so closely by, but unheeded. Why disturb the moment's peace now, When that smill will be there when needed?
But, then, the petal falls from the rose, Reminding those things that used to be, Now we stumble alone no longer able to grasp The loving feelings that once were free.
The love that was ever present, How deeply at first it was felt, Saying, "Our love will be for evermore!" Only too soon hidden behind time's belt.
Now we reach out to caress the rose, To embrace the sweetness it enthralls; Only to wish our time could be turned back, To our time before the petals fall.


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Updated: 2000.02.09

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