When I awaken, will I awaken here,
Or will I awaken over there?
Is there a land beyond the here,
That so many believe to really be nowhere?
I see, but do not want to believe
That what is, now is not;
And what had seemed not, now is.
From this is created my doubt!
Of that lonely earth's hole,
The Hades that it be,
Welcoming one and all,
This fear I no longer see.
The gap now is opened,
The Veils of mystery thus rent,
The Light shining so bright
As in a prism is rainbow bent.
Who becomes the Victor,
The dark, lonely hole or Me?
Everyone this same test will meet,
To learn all comes from the same tree.
When arises the Soul,
Life's everlasting breath,
The hole left behind, itself will shut,
With All's victory over death.
Each Soul flies anew,
As the Formless begins to form,
Awaiting that precious moment,
When each Soul sees the Universal Norm.
Paths begin to be retread,
While beginning a new strife,
The true Story unfolds
At the beginning of a new Life.
The Cycle has begun again,
Veils are re-drawn,
New paths lay before the Soul,
As the Sun arises on a new Dawn.!