
Over the last few years I've noticed an growing convention to have a dedicated links page. I find this a perversion of the concept of hypertext. A list of references simply shows a lack of creativity and ability to integrate links into a more prosaic form. To compromise, I am providing a links page (though all my pages should contain links) but I am not just going to list them.
I have a job (like most people), but I enjoy it. Actually, I started these pages because of the aforementioned job. Aside from being fun for geek value (yes, I am a geek), I get to use Suns (Solaris) on a daily basis (both sparcs and x86 machines. I also get some FreeBSD. If you want a link to my employer, too bad. Suffice it to say that I like my job and the company for which I work; I refuse to tell you what my job is, (though I have given a good hint or two) but I will add that I may or may not be the creator of Space Ghost

If you like to read (like me), you can visit my limited collection of electronic texts or you can visit my favorite etext archive, Books On-Line. I will be the first to admit that this is not the same --and certainly not as good-- as a real book. However, etexts tend to be cheaper and more useful for some kinds of research. If, like me, you have a special interest in UCC or their corpus of Celtic texts , you can see them at their site (which I never knew existed while I was there). Another kind of reading you may enjoy (if, that is, you have a geekly dislike of Ba'al Gates ) is the Bill G diaries.

While I have no friends, you can visit one of my "colleagues" at his site. I've also discovered an enthusiastic young man from the Yukon who knows far more HTML than I did at his age (heh-heh-heh). If you visit him and sign his guestbook he'll send you a "thank you" email. I've noticed, though, that his directory is now empty. I'm keeping the link, in case he restores his page. As a resident of TimesSquare, he had much advice concerning video games. Be nice to him. If I find you were not, I'll come after you --don't think I won't.
I take back what I said about no friends; I do have one or two. One just hates HTML, as you can see for yourself. I feel I should mention that his page has looked like that for years, and will probably always look like that unless I rewrite it for him (yeah, right). And behold the lovely Fractious, without whom the world may end. I should warn you that even though she's my GeoNeighbor, she's Australian (a GeoNeighbour --eew), so you're likely to see a number of extraneous vowels littering her page. I'm holding a contest to see who can write her the best song of praise. Submit it to demonstrate your skill. Try looking through her Fractured World for ideas. My favorite of her pages is her Awards page, but her love advice is certainly worth the time to read it --perhaps even to follow it. All in all it's worth spending the rest of your life poking through her site and writing her email.
Finally, here's a UN*X guy i know. He's rather quiet. He's like me in that he'd rather I don't tell you his name, so I'll just call him powergeek.

Alas, my "brak sounds" source seems to have graduated from college and lost his homepage. An unrelated, but equally humorous site is The Onion, which my HTML-hating friend described as "pretty elite." Based on such a recommendation, how can you resist? I must add that the the funniest site I've seen so far is "jeffk.'s hoempaeg!!!"

If you have way too much time on your hands --and if you've read this far you probably do-- then you can waste time on Bob Fay's rather impressive Magic Trick. Look at it this way: if you don't, you'll just spend the time watching reruns of Married, With Children or Home Improvement. Should the decision still be too difficult, in tonight's episodes Al and Peg fight, then Tim hurts himself with power tools. Another great way to spend some time (as well as being a good reference page) is checking out the Patron Saints Index. The site's well done, easy to navigate, and uncluttered. Find out more about your namesake (even if you're not Christian you may still have a Christian name like "Mark" or "Barbara" because of Christian influence in western civilization), the patron saint of your profession (bricklayer? telecommunications worker? thief?), or just take some bite-sized chunks of history.

Someday when I feel like sharing, I will give you more Old English/Old Norse links like this one to some school on the East Coast. First, though, I must decide you people are worth it.

Someone mentioned that I have no music on my page. This, of course, is entirely true. I found it difficult to express music in HTML. I still do.

EXCURSIS: I hate pages with music-playing plug-ins. NOT EVERYONE CAN HEAR THEM, FOOLS! I especially hate the ones that load the music automatically.
Because, however, people have asked about music, I'll include some of my thoughts on music. I find that lately the music I prefer falls into two categories: "fun and energetic" (what I listen to at work) and "thoughtful" (at home). I did not notice until recently that that's what has been happening. It rather makes sense, if you consider it from the right angle. At work I can't really think, but need music that keeps my mood and energy more or less consistent. At home I have to use the part of my brain I neglect while at work. One of the bands I like is the Wicked Tinkers. Try to figure out which category they are.

Of course, no links page is complete without at least one link to lots of porn.

I suppose it's about time I offered a link to a girl with more "fox" pseudonymns than any one person can hope to remember including, but not limited to, "digifox," "jenn fox," and "foxy spice." WARNING: her site uses tons and tons of javascript.

Here is the part where I link to companies and products I like and think you should know about --if you don't already. Feel free to click on these: they won't bite. No, they have not paid me.
ICQ Netscape Juno

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