The Maimed English Award

This award goes to individuals and companies who proudly display their poor command of the English language.

This is not an excuse to pick on non-native speakers and young children, but an award for English-speaking adults and young adults who publish Web pages without any regard for editing, grammar, punctuation, spelling, or even the correct meanings of words. The Awards Committee, when provoked, also includes pages with an annoying or confusing rhetorical style.

The too-common "this page is under construction" notice does not eliminate people from the fierce competition for this prestigious pile of pixels. Sometimes such an annoucement inspires leniency, but the Awards Committee's view is that all Web sites are dynamic and "under construction" --unless abandoned. Therefore the page builder should not post any unfinished documents while offering lame excuses about not having finished them. Imagine the world if Henry Ford had churned a few tires out of his famed assembly line and said "Behold: the Model T. It's not quite finished, though." We would still be walking around bearing the stink of freshly-ridden horses. What if one of the most powerful historical documents in United States history, the Declaration of Independence, were a Web-Based Declaration of Independence? The Awards Committee wishes people to offer the public their best, not their "good enough for not having spent any effort" or their half-finished.

Feel free to send this page to any of the winners. I had originally intended to inform each winner as part of bestowing the award, but decided against it because that would probably make the winning page change, making me look bad for pointing out failings that aren't there. I look bad enough already, so I'd rather not make things worse. Besides, making fun of people behind their backs makes me feel big. I could argue that I'm using ridicule to improve the quality of what appears on Web pages nowadays, but really I'm doing it just because I'm mean.

If you're looking to see another page of my mean-spirited humor as we laugh at someone else, do look and see an incident that happened to me.

Current Winner

Reason: One vote gave Olivar Cromwell conrol of England and changed France from a monarch to a republic.

Prior Winners

Iron Ian's Site
Reason: Though only four sentences long, this page has a glaring comma splice, I know most people do not bother learning what comma splices are in school but that does not excuse them. I'm sure he'll fix it "when ever" he gets around to it. Apparently, too, it's not important to use a period with the last sentence in a paragraph

Colosseum Gridiron Challenge
Reason: Mayn tyops. Can't seem to figure out if he will "talk Football" or "talk football." "Misused" quotation marks. Even..misused ellipsis. And! Too many exclamation points!

Be sure to find out how "good" Mr. O did after seeing the all-too-common agreement error coupled with the wrong "their" earlier in the page.

"evil's Home Page"
Reason: Overuse of exclamation points!!!! Spelling "trainer" with an "o." using the wrong "you're/your." Confusing the hyphen and dash.

"Orchestra's On The Net"
Reason: Repeated misuse's of apostrophe's, demonstrating a misunderstanding of their proper use's coupled with A Flimsy Grasp Of The Rules Governing Capital Letters In Titles.
Reason: Sloppy editing and confusing sentences. Blatant fragments on the Maimed English Award page.

Visit the muse.

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