The List[tm], v11.0

Last update: July 11th, 2002.

There are a total of 546 entries on The List[tm]].
There are currently 532 active entries on The List[tm].
There are currently 14 rescinded entries on The List[tm].


  1. Preface
  2. Pathetic Earth Destroyers
  3. Annoying Time Wasters
  4. Various and Assorted Other Problems
  5. The Volunteers
  6. Demographics
  7. Contact details


The List[tm] is a compilation of heretics that have posted to a.p.t.e. in a manner which is incompatible with the Plan[tm]. The Plan[tm] states that all of the following individuals should be referred to by their Tracking#[tm] from now on for easy identification as PitSlaves[tm]. Upon PaveDay1[tm], these individuals will be banished to the HydroPits[tm], the PlutoniumMills[tm], or other suitable slave labor organizations.

The Plan[tm] states that, when The List[tm] numbers more than 50 offenders, it should be completely reorganized. As of v5.0, this was so. The offending groups are now presented in the order of the severity of their crimes against our vision. That is, D001 should now prepare for the nastiest, dirtiest, ugliest job that we can think up when PaveWorld[tm] comes to pass. However, V001 can expect to be a PitBoss[tm], or other higher standing PitSlave[tm].

The Plan[tm] further states that, when The List[tm] numbers more than 250 offenders, it should no longer be posted to the One True Newsgroup[tm], but maintained on a website. In the interest of speed and convenience, this development has been brought forward, such that v11.0 commences with 230 entries.

Upon Pave Day 1 [TM], the following individuals will be banished to the Hydro Pits[tm], the Plutonium Mills[tm], or other suitable slave labor organizations:

I. Pathetic Earth Destroyers

Trk #Old #HandleReason
D0010001Mr Myxplyxkadte double agent most foul
D0020016DJ Barrattadte double agent most foul
D0030031John Harry Semchenaadte double agent most foul
D0040034Jeffrey W. Ameringadte double agent most foul
D0050035Frank Wijansadte double agent most foul
D0060043Andreas Clenowwants to destroy the universe
D0070047THE CRYPT KEEPERwants to destroy the earth
D0080050james swift wants to crack Paveworld
D0090052Fox, Ronald T.wants to destroy the earth
D0100053Robert Hodewants to destroy the earth
D0110054David Smithwants to destroy the earth
D0120055Justine Rogerswants to destroy the earth
D013James Justinwants to destroy the earth
D014Josh Templinwants to nuke the earth
D015MichaelD. Pouloswants to destroy the sun
D016edinburgh cyberia 1wants to destroy the earth
D017Professor Falkendestroy earth for AOL disks
D018Martin Dannwuss tool of earth destroyers
D019Andy Dwants to destroy the earth
D020Kefka Gwanker adte toolboy
D021ChicoTMBadte double agent most foul
D022ET Chiltonpathetic earth destroyer
D023B Schermanwants comet to destroy earth
D024CD Skogsbergwants to destroy PaveWorld
D025Ned Kellypretending to be Australian
D026ChAoS (aka BUZZSAW)wants tar & feathered PaveWorld
D027WeeSauladte double agent most foul
D028Doktor DynaSoarpathetic adte crossposter scum
D029bft Wants to destroy T052 (good) and the Earth with him (not good).
D030spambait Wants Igor to reprogram the asteroid robots
D031Flaagg Wants to destroy the universe 5 1/2 minutes after PaveDay#1.
D032The Evil Company Wants to destroy the moon. Yeah, like they'll stop there.
D033Anthony Matonak Wants to impact a moon on the Earth.
D034ArsenicDoesn't crapify normally.
D035hiway61manThinks nuking is better than Paving[tm].
D036Osiris Lee PierceEarth-destroying farts.
D037Lawrence GrigelyThinks special relativity was an atheist plot.
D038Barry Nix300+ lines of nonsensical drivel about plate tectonics.
D039DavidWants to nuke our petroleum.
D040TakamuraWants Greg Bear to give a symposium.
D041Don No-Soul SimpsonWill mill plutonium for food.
D042askforitWants to dump everything but Mars in a black hole.
D043RockyWants to nuke the world and start with France. Likes Rupert Brooke.
D044The 2-Belo, VOTM CandidateWants to nuke France and then move on to North Korea.
D045NyarlathotepWants to nuke North Korea and then move on to the North Pole.
D046Lorrill BuyensWants to nuke the North Pole and then move on to North Dakota.
D047Greg PallisLikes technology with a use in earth-destroying.
D048Vincent PerretWants to know if destroying the earth is possible.
D049JimWants to know what colour the plasma cloud should be.
D050fa13Credulous as hell.
D051PavementWants to destroy the earth with mediocre tunes.'t want to blow up the planet (much).
D053spoonLikes sandwiches and destroying planets.
D054André AschieriPosting to adte in French.
D055Toon J VerwijmerenThinks E=sqr(mc).
D056Eric StevensonArch-destroyer and FAQ poster.
D057OTPosting HTML to adte in French.
D058Zoogz RiftInsists on being named in headers.
D059keh134Wants to turn the Earth into a black hole.
D060Nana Yaw OfariShould be killing trees, not orbital velocities.
D061John WilliamsI hate movie soundtrack music.
D062OctavianWants to play with toxic gases.
D063Thomas GranerIncoherent ramblings on adte.
D064Justice of HellWants to destroy the ozone layer with solar powered robot planes.
D065mazdakWants to destroy the biosphere through global warming.
D066Graham LockwoodThinks we already are.
D067Steve ElliottSubmitting Earth-Destroyer Inquiries.
D068DONAccurate estimate of worldwide support for adte.
D069John E. ChapmanCan't be bothered killing everyone.
D070JPA soldier, not some love starved twit.
D071Alex (aka algae)Greg Bear fan and overall f#ckup.
D072Greg BearPro-Earth Destroyer literature.
D073Saffan NielsenNo particular reason.
D074Jeff Man of The Year.
D075lord.of.painPosted satanic personals ad.
D076steveWants the DEAD head of Richard Butler (he's picky).
D077alexShatner Fan, Earth-Destroyer.
D078The GrunspansWant to draw up some plans.
D079david chesterWants a red death.
D080PigdogThinks Satan and God are one and the same.
D081Larry GrigelyWants to turn the Earth to dust.
D082Wylliam Everet LatransNeedn't dodge Paver[tm] hit squads any more.
D083Supreme PresidentWants to dominate the earth THEN destroy.
D084Crazy BobDosn't trust Supreme President to destroy earth.
D085delta3200He's either hot shit or a doofus - could be both.
D086PhilIf he destroyed himself, who would notice (or care)?
D087Sam NelsonWants to destroy USA first, France second, Belgium etc...
D088GuydyonWould settle for a nice extinction event.
D089©ybe® demonReeking havoc, terroizing the erf and making thier own desicios.
D090Adrian DunnHe's paranoid, but we are out to get him.
D091Robert CastilloWants to destroy the Earth with the Y2K bug.
D092Bruce LaingPrefers hot chocolate to beer.
D093David AllanWants to destroy the Earth to save the environment (?)
D094conquassatioNihilistic sea-loving universe destroyer.
D095Ike WattWants to sod the children.
D096J ThomasSuggested germ warfare.
D097Jim HowesDrinks wine, not beer.
D098Mauro F SolorzanoThinks this is a funny discussion.
D099Icarus FallingLikes burning people's cars.
D100Robert ScottHas a mail reader which puts his .sig ABOVE the quoted text.
D101kraegorWants to nuke the sun.
D102Arto HamaraClarifying the definition of destruction.
D103Scott BarberWaiting for an event to re-expand the bellows of time.
D104RubbermaidWants to destroy the earth because it's there.
D105LakeWants to kill death and destruction (?).
D106ALike slugs on a petri dish, so are the destroyers of earth...
D107BenDating a completely incompetent burger warmer.
D108Ala AnonWants to destroy Pavers[tm] to enforce the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
D109GogmagogThinks the executioner's position is fun.
D110Raul MattassiCan't wait to see the great disaster.
D111SvobodaThatcherite and Earth Destroyer (don't know which is worse).
D112Earl HakonBelieves it's time for the Paver Pogrom.
D113El RepulsoWants to destroy the Earth at the weekend.
D114masterninjaWants to take away all our pain.
D115Aaron DaviesWants to destroy the moon to shower the pavers with rocks and whatnot.
D116Paul HadwenWorm cooker & earth destroyer.
D117horshackSure he'll get put on an ominous-sounding List[tm].
D118Treon VerderyWants us to feast on 1ft thick layer of bacteria.
D119JPEarth Destroyer Most Lame.
D120Kieran C. aka Potato ManPosted strange billiard style destructionist scheme.
D121Sinisa KolaricCraving to be Listed[tm].
D122LardassWants to work during lectures.
D123Cactus BobWants to destroy the Earth with particle accelerators.
D124ShadeweaverHas more of a scientific desire to physically destroy the Earth.
D125Aphex TripletThinks all baryonic matter is an aberation. Can't spell "aberration".
D126DiabloWants to destroy France with the moon.
D127Anthony WintersPosted 9-point bullet list of destructionist heresy.
D128PhobosWants to manhandle black holes for earth destruction jollies.
D129Big MikeCan't spell "Beavis".
D130MINUSCAPSrobThinks asphalt will be the end of him - gets extra-credit for accuracy.
D131CargokillWants to realise a black hole in the centre of the Earth.
D132Anton SherwoodSeems to think Pluto might have evaporated.
D133David F HeirtzlerProspective black hole manufacturer.
D134Ewan R ClarkWants to get on with the more important matter of destroying the Earth.
D135Bob SimmonsCan't spell "juices".
D136AnGrY b0bbwants to brain Strom, then vote for the disembodied pieces.
D137Justice of HellWe'll see about that.
D138Justice of HellYou're once, twice, three times a Pit Slave[tm].
D139ReindeR RustemaHeretical Handle, earth-destroyer leanings.
D140pieceoftheuniversePerverted particle provocateur.
D141ChristineADTE double agent most foul.
D142justinXMis-spelled "Pavers".
D143CFRFrying tonight.
D144Joseph W. HallerHe's no half-ass, he's an earth-destroyer!

II. Annoying Time Wasters

Trk #Old #HandleReason
T0010002Doctress Neutopiaposted political crap
T0020004Crusaderposted political crap
T0030007Angela C. Covingtonposted environmental crap
T0040011HeatherMlikes lawyers and timewasting
T0050014Drew Parksposted political crap
T0060015Anonymousposted political crap
T0070022Jean Merrickposted crap advertisment
T0080027Zapotec Blueposted environmental crap
T0090030Huffingtonworst first post ever
T0100032Dave Du Toitthinks apte is .alt.test
T0110039wilpoposted safety-oriented crap
T0120040christopher.mcmullenwasted lots of time
T0130045Robert Cohenposted crap advertisment
T0140046Pierre Jelencposted crap response to ad
T0150048Cameron L. Spitzerposted crap response to ad
T016Gur Ubff Znathinks apte is alt.test
T017Greycloakposted environmental crap
T018DanGoldinstopped Max from posting
T019Noel J. Allenposted pyramid scam
T020A. Malofwants to save forests
T021Arjun Khannawants to save forests
T022Dalemily Edmondsposted man in moon foolishness
T023Barrett L. Brownposted stupid farm question
T024Sunkissposted crap advertisment
T025David Varbergsecond worst first post ever
T026Jessica Stevenshot wet dripping & off topic
T027Lyndon Yamadaposted crap response to crap ad
T028Douglas Kahnposted environmental crap
T029Lansing A Parkerposted crap advertisment
T030Fred Kunzlethinks apte is "food not bombs"
T031Elaine Gallegosthinks apte is "food not bombs"
T032Hugh Bothwellposted environmental crap
T033Henry Jonesthinks apte is "food not bombs"
T034trevthinks apte is "food not bombs"
T035Sylvia Wongthinks we care about sick Lily
T036ctfoteposted environmental crap
T037Ben Allenlikes Dyson spheres
T038Joe Hineslikes to waste our time
T039Ricky Schroederhates destroying the environment
T040OB1we'll pave our own forests OK
T041Ross Garmilposted enviromnemtal crap
T042Doctorb Scienceposted acid-induced fantasies
T043Andrew Bonkowskiposted sociological crap
T044King Philbotalks smack about apte
T045Ryan Jacksoncrossposting crap from alt.evil
T046D. "Boba Fett" Blazekuses lame Star Wars pseudonym
T047TinaFendiposted crap advertisment
T048Chris Beelsposted pyramid money-making scam
T049Win'95@videotrainingposted crap advertisment
T050Jim Schaeferthinks apte is alt.test
T051Bruce Maherposted perl net.spammer (twice)
T052Eugene McNameeWasted time exhorting us not to waste time.
T053Greg Brooksposted crap advertisement / con
T054Peter Woodslandered oil multinational
T055100604.1417@compuserveslandered oil multinational
T056William H Beckeranti-Plan[tm] calendar reformer
T057Sven Hennigposted crap advertisement
T058Jon Jeffrieswants to stop Paving taxes
T059Chaichai Taweedejwants to save paper and trees
T060oracleposted pointless FTP list
T061Erich M Hayesis just a complete cunt
T062webmaster@washweb.composted shite web space advert
T063Michael Frankposted useless medical advice
T064Zamboniutterly unfunny story
T065JAKwants to play chess not pave
T066Gordon Andrewsdoesn't like pollution
T067Ralph Williamsdoesn't like pollution either
T068anx.scanridiculous prose style
T069mrposted obvious cat scam
T070bkjbposted Jerry Garcia piffle
T071Gregory SotirCanadian tree hugger
T072Frodo Underhillpitiful hobbit delusion
T073Authorposted crap advertisement
T074Antonio Coianoadvertised useless web site
T075Warriorstupid money scam, ho-hum
T076Ben Leamyanti-cheeseburger activist
T077Will Lindenthinks sci-fi books are real
T078Rimblesahdislikes Official PaveWord[tm]
T079Mary / SEA programwants to start recycling stuff
T080G Saundersthinks sci-fi books are real
T081LaLagedislikes Official PaveWord[tm]
T082Thomas Bachneryet another scam
T083Luke Luohmore bloody scams
T084CB "Kit" Gerhartwants to raise price of fuel
T085Melissa Abrahamthinks gluttony is bad
T086Bramblethinks gluttony is bad
T087Charles Reilywe're too smart for your scams
T088John Dulaneythinks we care about politics
T089Zak Khanwe're glad he got suckered
T090Chris Thompsonwe've seen these scams before
T091Mr Blondehopeless Tarantino fantasist
T092Evan Rusackaswe already have websites
T093Reehorsttoo stupid to scam properly
T094Hendrinascent serial killer
T095Dr HydeBlack Sabbath fan
T096Magdalena Sochascammed from Sweden
T097Wayne Lambright IIIwe don't care about prices
T098Tim Hillmoronic cross poster
T099Chris Thompsonwill scammers ever learn?
T100Barry from New Zealandloopy hippy
T101Pharoah Chromium 93bizarre religious rantings
T102Amber Ritterlikes padding mice
T103Christopher Hemmepathetic creed translation
T104Luckysilly devilbunny rantings
T105Qoute-A-Day@juno.comwould like to send us stupid quotes
T106John Mozenaresponded to crap advertisement
T107GODchristian sucker
T108mccoskey@nidlink.comchristian sucker
T109hot guythinks apte is a singles joint
T110Ones-And-Zerosmass crossposting software scam
T111Oi!!!! OINK!!!!!!wanky name
T112schulhofthinks apte is alt.test
T113Jerrychristian sucker
T114faxad@mgl.caposted crap advertisement
T115AXPT21A@prodigy.comyet another crap "All Writers" post
T116Alan Johnsonthinks apte is a singles joint
T117MoMoneyposted crap money scam
T118karl mamermoronic patriot idiot
T119slimbagyone line gibberish
T120Qoute-A-Day@juno.comwould like to send us stupid quotes
T121Jack Greyposted lame web page ad
T122Jeff Jardineridiculous crossposting scum
T123A.Dposted pathetic pyramid scheme
T124Johnniesend him money for clean air and trees
T125staticposted lame web page ad
T126jmchongwell written off topic $5 crap scheme
T127Wade Cogswellchump gave the ListKeeper a virus
T128Ramatritboring garbage $$$$$$$ ad
T129sales@mailloop.netmass crossposting software scam/scum
T130Unitouch1Wants to tell people how to stop global warming.
T131Mavis BeardlyWants to share stories about burnout.
T133the WebMeister ( authentic native American non-cheeseburger recipes.
T134Darrell E. UdelhovenRock fetishism
T135Car (some wanky address book link)Wants us to pay $100/month just to Drive[tm]
T137Robert Lucien ( endlessly
T138"Spidey" ( us to immortalise our fallen animal friends.
T139JungleAcidCorny and indecipherable heresy.
T140puckWould rather shred the pavement on a bike.
T142The DuckFor being a duck.
T143Hot WheelsUnscrupulous nonsense and off-topicisms
T144Smokey BehrMost ridiculous sig ever.
T145Lord Gilbert T. SullivanPaying neither attention nor homage.
T146Chip SintaxHe's not a chef, but he plays one on apte.
T147Ethics GradientFlagrant flonker flunkie.
T148MoonRaven WolfStarInconceivable heresies (as if the name wasn't enough)
T149SpiroNeeds repeated cudgellings.
T151C, The Friendly MeowDoesn't know what's what.
T152Al "Scarface" CaponeMight as well be tax evasion again.
T153Yolanda GoddchyldeI hardly know where to begin.
T154beelzibubTotal grammatical disaster.
T155Gh@st.lyWants to conquer the universe with a piece of bent copper wire.
T156QuikCAMERA.19@hotmail.comBottles are for beer, not messages.
T158BergsrudDoesn't know enough Latin.
T161MoEListed[tm] as an example to the others.
T164pIgGCan't spell "Churchill".
T165Neo Atma Weapon 3:16Complaints about other people posting immature crap.
T166Snapple-Crazed ChihuahuaJust read the username.
T167John E. BredeholtWould rather be a sad clown. Already is.
T168Ausar O'GebIs caught in a trap. Mwuhahahaha!!!
T169Truth DecayIs outside, looking in.
T170Perfumed StethoscopeAnother piece of underground debris.
T171Andrew McPhersonIrritating crossposter.
T172Miss PlacedAnother irritating crossposter.
T173The CypherLikes cake.
T174David ByronThinks Jorn cares.
T175Leonid I. BrezhnevPresiding over an increasingly corrupt and decaying Soviet Union.
T176Clueless Wombat CabalBasically, a bunch of clueless wombats.
T177Andrew TuittContent-free crossposting.
T178Baby BladefaceProbably the biggest arsehole in the world.
T179ballooNo, I didn't like the 1000 line sig.
T180Gary ThainCrap bass player.
T181K. Ye. VoroshilovHaving tracked vehicles named after him.
T182Link ManUnbelievably annoying prat.
T183oliver1"pain in the ass, with a god-complex"
T184The chief meowerMany names, but only one number.
T185Frosted FlakeNon-cheeseburger foodstuff.
T186Academician Trofim LysenkoCommunistic agriculturalism.
T187BeekeeperBiodiversity preservation.
T188H. WestListing[tm] isn't like a box of chocolates, you know exactly what you're going to get.
T189Xavier FabrianoHurling random abuse.
T190xixixelzitCan't spell "internet".
T191icecycle@today's.bogus.addressCalling people "gary".
T192Ken HensleySmells farts.
T193Sergo OrdzhonikidzeThinks we care about Socrates.
T194WurkA complete TOSer.
T195Amenhotep VINever having existed.
T196Evil BeavisWants us to adopt monkeys.
T197JThinks we care about Seneca.
T198Mick BoxBeing a member of Uriah Heep.
T199Lee "The Bear" KerslakeBeing another member of Uriah Heep.
T200König Preuße, GmbHTalking ballocks.
T201SageTreehugger anonymous.
T202Malcolm OgilvieEven T201 thinks he's a timewaster.
T203StinkfistTalking crap about werewolves.
T204Jim SmithWants free sheep balls.
T205Error 404Has a Knack for wasting time.
T206MozzWolFSounds biodiverse to me.
T207tmadiganYet another crossposting moron.
T208Tennessee TuxedoA well-dressed waste of time.
T209LatinFireHas the hypocrisy to crosspost spam from a nospam mail address.
T210VaporPosting completely inadequate flames.
T211Timothy SutterAlzheimer flaming.
T212J'raxis OlsonWhinges about spam prevention in crossposted cascades.
T213arrooAnnoying flonker.
T214hoKEy wOLfJealous of other animals.
T215HumorousLikes moonshine and toilet seats.
T216FredrockAdded Pennzoil to his diet, clearly a non-cheeseburger item.
T217KyzerWould rather blonde bombshell a minotaur than a phantom. (?)
T218usEless lAmerNeed I say more?
T219Tim HodgeAnother useless lamer.
T220AndyJust can't make his mind up.
T221Haakon LugiessonCan't spell the Paveword[tm].
T222Sammy HandgrenadeA robot and a troll.
T223H. WestShould move to China.
T224PinkyRemains a wolf at heart.
T225Scott FunknutLikes Lou Costello.
T227Scott McSpoonaholicAddicted to non-beer substances.
T228Almanzo WilderLooser than clams.
T229Dark Lord of the SitHFoolishly flaming flonkers.
T230auuVAttacking anachronistic archipelagos.
T231The InvestigatorContemptuous content-free crossposts.
T232FergNebulous nuking neophyte.
T233BanesongIs trying to crosspost the Tick even further.
T234yUKyUKA virtual fart.
T235AlhazredCompletely incompetent conveyance.
T236David E. PowellCrossposting conspiratorial crap.
T237Medicine ManSlav cthulhu grznoy rwanda.
T238MwilsonWants to know whether the newsgroup works.
T239Sammy HagarWins a special trip to the Plutonium Mills[tm].
T240JosephYet another clueless wombat.
T241King of All FishesBeing a fish.
T242StratoAn anonymous aardvark.
T243Robert MaasDoesn't have any friends.
T244NasrudinCompared apte unfavourably to Vegemite.
T245Andrew K FletcherDoesn't want to toss trees aside like the unwanted puppy.
T246PegasusMisquoting "Nessun Dorma".
T247Francisco DominguezResurgent Flonker.
T248Ponty the Singing WerePontiacLycanthromobile and aardphile.
T249Ben BrownHopes not to see heaven. No problem.
T250Safari DFurther flonkish flaming.
T251Shadow SeekerKnows the history of Demonhunter (like, wow).
T252Ivor ZingradovadeskiQuestioned the quality of The List[tm].
T253Medical CatastropheWereteletubby; by implication, likes fluffy bunnies.
T254JayDeeWants us to vomit in his hair for true and just cause.
T255J. Raoul Xemblinosky IIIMisquoting Spinal Tap.
T256PerWants to nuke Pavers[tm] in France.
T257Were-Rabbi Ernst ZundelRemembers the Windigo.
T258weremarmotThinks crowbars are better than hoses.
T259John A. McKeonWants to buy a Furby.
T260Big Daddy ZeusTold voxman to shut up.
T261Blitz the CatBiodiverse sadistic freak.
T262minouDrinking Cherry Coke in Edmonton.
T263Peter "Pet" MillerLikes snow and hollow planets.
T264DominoDoubts they'd have gotten the horse on stage.
T265Dayv!Uses AOL's shitty news server.
T266Astaldo MegillianDoesn't need a book to tell him how he feels.
T267Y2k OAtheists can get hit by lightning bolts too.
T268GrimreaperWants RnR to get a life.
T269ZimriListed[tm], of all things.
T270AutodocPathetic invasion tactician.
T271TroLLFailed test post poster.
T272son of thorHe's Kinda Strange (no pervs or deviants).
T273fdgjhfghRecommends posting white-ass trash somewhere else.
T274old dead "nessie"yu are invading our privacy yu stupid ass.
T275WyNDIGO LXXVIIHad a go at nessie for not existing. Pot. Kettle. Black.
T276John E.M.Thinks it's governments that use mind reading devices.
T277TomRAnatomically impossible.
T278Glitchknew u were going to ask that.
T279Bob GWants Clinton to avoid lawsuits.
T280Andrew WilkinsUnhealthy interest in the size of Roy Marler's penis.
T281SpamsterDoesn't look that way to us either.
T282LintillaShould have Just Lurked.
T283susyneAsphalt squatter... Liked Thoroeau's "Walking".
T284StefPlus de 100,000 Visites mais seulement un Listing[tm].
T285gukvfvI'm Listing[tm] this heretic. This is ONLY a List[tm].
T286David DanielsJust a Pit Slave[tm], please List[tm].
T287Tristan StradaWants to be hog-tied and bitch-slapped repeatedly.
T288healinglinePosted silly one-liner tree insult.
T289KëiöBear and gravy fetish.
T290G. WilliamsWants to pave the earth with environmentally friendly HTML.
T291Gravity GuruA fountain of grammatically unsatisfactory insults.
T292CynthiaOwner of a very, very sad television set.
T293Dave ZeroNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T294DMZNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T295The Unknown JamesNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T296EssenceNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T297Kanaka JNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T298The Arcane ChasNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T299Steve Wolter the EgoNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T300The Non-Adjectivized OutsiderNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T301Paul WilkinsNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T302The Enlightened AyrabNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T303Stanley RosenthalNot as good at grammar as they boast.
T304Frank Emsley's ass, donkey, mule, burro or other equine animal (should he choose to acquire one).Heretically biodiverse.
T305xhrsozWants us to play FAIRLY and HONESTLY.
T306PEXIMLa lista non ha barriera linguistica, fuckwad.
T307JoeHe's with the program, but not with The Plan[tm].
T308Brian TurnerTried to shove goddamn pitiful excuses for literature up Frank's ass at TOTNG[tm].
T309Wee SaulFor good measure.
T310SOD of the CoEThinks cannibalism is a rational alternative meat source (as though we were looking for one).
T311alFucking insane.
T312willy5net4Doesn't drink responsibly.
T314T314Wants to build ramps on PaveWorld[tm].

III. Various and Assorted Other Problems

(or, "Sure they're lame, but at least they know enough of what goes on around here to be on-topic in their heresy")

Trk #Old #HandleReason
M0010005Scott Evensenlikes concrete better
M0020006The Homechickenlikes fuel efficiency
M0030009Brandon Van Everylikes concrete better
M0040010Margaret Whitelikes concrete and rollerblades
M0050012Francis Cyranwants to preserve coffee
M0060013A Tyler Doolittlelikes cube-shaped earth
M0070017Michael Zwibeldislikes hypercars
M0080018newbywants to paint the pavement
M0090019**Rescinded****You can't fool Listkeepers[tm]**
M0100020Aaron Hughesthinks pavers are insane
M0110021Kenneth J. Mansfieldhates pavers
M0120023Ken Toewsthinks pavers are insane
M0130024MagicManthinks pavers are insane
M0140025E. M.Tatsuhwathinks pavers are insane
M0150026Karen McBurneylikes astroturf
M0160028Randy Kaelberwants us to eat roadkill
M0170029Pontus Lidbrinkhates pavers
M0180033Dan Bennettlikes Christmas trees
M0190036Paul Radcliffelikes mountain bikes
M0200037Stephen J. Styrchaklikes public transportation
M0220041VarianLonlikes trees; dislikes pavement
M0230042BATSYwants to laminate the earth
M0240044David Sinclairlikes sunflowers and trees
M0250049Craig Beerslikes skateboarding
M026Joshua LaFleurposted horrible poem
M027Don Graywants pizza on PaveWorld
M028Colin Lyngate Hallthinks pavers are stupid
M029Yamamotothinks we need trees and plants
M030Chuck Theobaldlikes stainless steel earth
M031vortex@ibm.netlikes rollerblading
M032Cooey McIntoshlikes solar panels
M033Brad Neubergwants to pave Venus
M034Rudilikes concrete better
M035Ted Postulawants to pervert Earth's shape
M036Sander Stoksdislikes burgers and beer
M037Jake,Earth Pedestrianlikes (shudder!) walking
M039Henry...thinks pavers are insane
M040Luke Nelsonlikes smileys and dirt roads
M041DOOMerpisses Max off / wanky name
M042Newt Gingrichprevented Max from posting
M044Sashalikes clean country air
M045sid lipkincan't pee properly (like we care)
M046BeHappy117thinks pavers should smile
M047Tzimon Ylastierwill be crushed like bubble paper
M048Susan Solonbubble paper heretic
M049Concrete Manlikes concrete better
M050Felster Janinposted horrible poem
M051Tim McGregorwants to lead PitSlave revolt
M052Ian Corriganworships trees
M053Beshanaposted horrible poem
M054Ingrid K Buxtonwants to ban farting
M055Cameron L Spitzerthinks Paving is just a joke
M056Radracist moron
M057Sid Tanlikes forests & such nasty stuff
M058Heatherkeeps pet rabbits
M059Kevinposted new age mumbo-jumbo
M060Kevin D Hobbsthinks there is no Plan[tm]
M061Nick Joycepavers don't have birthdays
M062David Kearyconsistantly idiotic drivel
M063Ice Ice Babygrammar disfunctionality
M064Dave Bricknerwants pavers to blow him
M065Symbolic Can't even spell his own treehugging bullshit.
M066Iain CummingsMentioned Gerard Depardieu.
M067Antoine SteegBeing gratuitously French on apte.
M068Iron Parrot JIIMTrademark abuse.
M069Night HawkThinks aptewa should be fun Fun FUN!!!
M070GrashtelCobweb's so fucking sick of ocean inquiries.
M071Cyba NonymousWants to cover the earth in neatly stacked milk crates.
M072Paul RothrockA snivelling sell-out who is willing to compromise the magnificent achievement of us 100%ers.
M073Jolly Green GiantThinks Pavers[tm] are a bunch of freaks.
M074Neddly RabinowitzinsteinLikes solar cars that go slowly.
M075Bruce BurhansThinks we can't have our earth and eat it too.(?)

IV. The Volunteers

Trk #Old #HandleReason
V0010003Richard Fraser Guyasked to be here
V0020008Joseph Hertzlingerasked to be here
V0030051Andrew McCOLLasked to be here
V005Kevin Osbornasked to be here
V006Chris Hoheasked to be here
V007Chris Williamslikes motorbikes and flyovers
V008Daniel Jaffawants library card (tee hee)
V009SomebodyBizarre tracking number fetish.
V010Smee"I wanna V#!!"
V011The Dickmaster GeneralLikes Wurk
V012EricAsked to be here with clairvoyant expedience.
V013Unit 4Said "So list me".
V014Anthony GregoryWants to be a pit boss.

Appendix 1 - Demographics

Section Active Rescinded Total
Earth Destroyers 144 Yeah, right. 144
Time Wasters 303 10 313
Miscellaneous 72 3 75
Volunteers 13 1 14
Totals 532 14 546

Appendix 2 - Contact Details

Should you desire to appeal to the ListKeepers'[tm] mercy (hehehe), feel free to bribe us with hearty beers and cheeseburger as well as the items outlined below:

Cobweb (
- Several truckloads of The Ultra
- Metallica's original "Garage Days"
- A 1978 Colt Detective Special 3 inch in Nickel Thank You
- A dead purple dinosaur

Dave Rogers (
- A very large electroplating bath
- Several cubic miles of chrome
- Workable plans to subvert Western democracies

Martin (
- The classics. Cold beer, sizzling cheeseburgers, fast cars, sizzling women, fast beers, that sort of thing.

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