
Danielle and Alyssa's Rules for Guys Who Wish to Date us

"Our Rules" By: Danielle D and Alyssa P

Don't worry we don't expect you to do all of these, half is good enough. The more you do, the more we fall for you. Also, remember that if we really just aren't attracted to you, these won't really matter a whole lot. But you can try.

1. Bring us flowers all the time for no reason.

2. No younger guys

3. Always escort us.

4. Spoil us, especially on all holidays.

5. Lots of kisses and hugs.

6. Open doors for us.

7. Let us know things ahead of time, especially when driving.

8. Be cuddly.

9. Pay for things, if you can afford to.

10. Have good looking single friends for our friends.

11. Work out, stay in shape.

12. Don1t smoke around us.

13. Must be able and willing to wrestle with us.

14. When driving, don1t freak us out.

15. No other girls, unless we bring them.

16. Buy or win us stuffed animals, that way we can hug them at night and think of you.

17. Leave us cute voice messages.

18. When driving, the car must be warm.

19. Must be willing to drive us places.

20. We are always right, and if we aren1t right let us know, so that next time we will be right.

21. Must always call when you say you will.

22. Be polite, manners are a must.

23. Always listen to us.

24. Be willing to talk on the phone for hours, don't let us go for stupid reasons.

25. Be honest with us.

26. Realize your lucky to be with us, many are very jealous of you.

27. When exchanging back rubs, ours should be at least ten minutes longer.

28. Must have cute cuddly animals to play with when we are bored.

29. Be creative when romancing us.

30. Respect us and we will respect you.

31. You must be willing to play with and brush our hair, we love that.

32. Cook for us, look at it this way, its affordable.

33. Take us for safe but enjoyable adventurous rides.

34. Smell good, it's a turn on.

35. Be nice to our friends, its important that they get along with you.

36. Must wake us up BEFORE the time we need to be home.

37. No leaving without first hugging and kissing us.

38. Must be willing to dance with us, not just slow dances either.

39. You must dress well, fleece and other soft materials are a turn on, every once in a while let us pick out your clothes..

40. Must not complain about how long it takes us to get ready, beauty takes time, believe us it's worth the wait.

41. Compliment us frequently.

42. You need to make time to spend with us, we like to see you.

43. No leaving right after a movie ends.

44. No hitting on our friends.

45. Shower daily (that should go without saying).

46. Must be willing to massage our feet, we love that.

47. Must be willing to talk with our parents and Alyssa1s brother.

48. Must always have some fear of our fathers.

49. No whining, suggestions are okay, we are always open to compromises.

50. Keep us warm.

51. Don't make us sit around waiting for you to call.

52. Smooth talk is always nice.

53. You cannot be camera shy, we love pics.

54. Keep a picture of us in your wallet.

55. Always hold Danielle's hand in public, but never Alyssa's.

56. No cheating on us.

57. Must be willing to play pool, and always let Danielle be stripes.

58. Treat us like the queens that we are.

59. Take us to Dairy Queen, Yummy.

60. No playing video games when we're over, unless we are playing too.

61. Be our doctor when we are sick.

62. Don1t be jealous of our guy friends, they really are "just friends."

63. Must know how to kiss, and be willing to accept suggestions.

64. Never talk about ex-girlfriends, or ask us about our ex-boyfriends, unless we offer the information.

65. Must be able to make us laugh, a lot!

66. Be willing to help us with our homework, school is important to us.

67. Be there for us when we need you, we will always be there for you.

68. Comfort us when we are crying, even if there seems to be no reason for our tears.

69. Trust us, and make sure we can trust you.

We realize this list may make us sound superficial, and stuck up, However we need you to realize that we are simply two self confidant young women who know what we want from a guy and aren't afraid to ask for it.

Disclaimer- this list is subject to change with no notice at any time.

© 1996

*E-mail Me with your thoughts and reactions on our rules, I'd love to know what you think!*Thanx much!