Do We Have A Right To Die?
By the 1st Disciple
Over the past few years, the issue of assisted suicide has been heavily debated in the classrooms, boardrooms and courtrooms of America. The question has been asked time and time again...Do we, as human beings, have a right to die? Now, I’m sure many of you devout Christians will undoubtedly answer that question with a resounding "No"; only God has the right to take lives. Supporters of euthanasia will contest this, saying that God also gives us free will to do whatever we so choose with our bodies. Well, as the saying goes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I’m using The Alpha Truth to voice mine. HELL YES, WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DIE. After recently watching an episode of 60 Minutes in which Dr. Jack Kevorkian performed one of his "assisted suicides" on a man who was suffering terribly, my support for him and his cause were only solidified. No one should have to live their life as a vegetable, unable to enjoy life whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong, there should definitely be some type of measure of what exactly is sufficient reason for a mercy killing. Depression, wanting to be with a deceased loved one, or anything that isn’t of a deteriorating nature are not reason enough to end one’s life. Those are all conditions in which the person can recover from, and continue to have a productive, enjoyable life. But anytime living is physically unbearable, your body is overcome with constant pain, you cannot function at all without the help of machines or nurses, then YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO DIE. Being a member of the Catholic Church, I’m not supposed to support assisted suicide at all, but, before I follow any scripture, or religious belief, I follow my heart, and in this case, my heart tells me that God does not want us on His earth suffering. Many will argue that assisted suicide is tampering with nature or intervening in God’s plan. Well, if that’s the case, isn’t putting someone on life support, a breathing apparatus, or anything "unnatural" that will prolong a patient’s life doing the exact same? I would never, ever, under any circumstances want my life to depend on a breathing machine, or life support. Laying in a hospital bed, uncognizant of my surroundings, unable to wipe my own ass, scared of swallowing my tongue is not what I consider to be "living". Instead of deteriorating slowly, soaked in my own excrement, not knowing when I’m finally going to be relieved of this madness, I’d rather die with dignity, surrounded by my loved ones.
So before you persecute Dr. Jack Kevorkian and those who call upon his services, put yourself in their position, and ask yourself, WHAT WOULD I DO? And when you answer, please, make sure it’s THE TRUTH.
Where the 1st Disciple stands on other controversial issues:
Death Penalty: This is a hard one, but I’d have to say no.
Abortion: Pro-Choice.
Religion: Before you follow ANY scripture, follow your heart and you conscience.
Interracial Dating: Not for me at all, but if you feel it’s for you, do your thing.
Welfare: Needs serious reform to stop shammers from abusing it
Affirmative Action: Needs minor revisions, but very necessary