I have decided to create a "Cast of Characters".
I wanted to do this not merely to list people that I talk about and explain about them,
but to enable a peek into my world. Enjoy it or not. Some people ought to be deleted, aka Ms. F, but I think I'll leave this as more of a historical thing though descriptions of people are fair game to change.
As of December 14, 2004
- A - Train - Yet another coworker who is an all around cool guy and recently of the proper age. He's got a crazy girlfriend though. No, I'm not going to be too hard on Dutch, she is nice and passes the initial approval meter.
- Mr. B - Former coworker, an NDSU alumni and fellow accountant. Prick didn't call me last Sunday like he said he would for interview prep...
- Bank People - I donīt believe they get mentioned very often, so I will just say that they are all mostly good people, and I look forward to my hours in the bank.
- C$ - Again, work cohort. A good one. Love the attitude, love the truck, and from what I hear, he's daam hot as well. If I were to make a complaint, I'd say that I don't catch everything he says, but at the same time, it is part of the persona, and you don't always want to mess with that. Part of the trifecta of power.
- Daam Gud - Former work cohort, and a most missed one at that. Interesting thing...never thought badly of the guy, but certain people led me to believe I ought to. After time, I have formed my opinion. Judgement? Not a bad guy, just a Jerk. I believe he is highly intelligent, and his major necessarily classifies him as nerd. Strangely enough, he has the most incredible "pimp juice". I have found him part of interesting soap opera-ishy type situations, so that is always fun. I am awed by his ability to converse with anyone. I think he has a black heart though...for this I want to hug him. Also, for this, I am sad.
- Dutch - The "Special Friend" of A-Train. There is some controversy surrounding her and whether or not she impedes the social activities of her man, but it is my belief that is not the case. I've found her to be a very interesting character to add into the mix of things. Her natural hair color remains a mystery, but given her chosen profession, that shouldn't be surprising.
- The Ex - Went out for about 6 months, and things sort of fell apart. The distance became a factor, which surprised me. Recently married. No, I did not go to the wedding. I hope she is happy.
- Mr. F - Alias former roommate. My best friend ever. Known him since I was like 4, and we live together now. Why is he my best friend? Not because we are so much alike, we have some, at times, quite different attributes, but because we have very similar attitudes in life. We get crabby and we take it out on each other and it's ok cuz we know that in the morning we have a new day. I can come home pissed of, and he'll listen to me bitch. He can call me a F!*#%(^ A#@(*^% Monkey Spanked (*^% #(*&^%(*^ and 5 minutes later we'll be rolling on the floor laughing. But we do have similar goals in life, and we just want to have fun. I have seen him nekkid.
- Miss F - On the positive note, mostly a nice person. Athletically talented. Aspirations of becoming a teacher of dance/baton. No longer the significant other of my roommate, and I believe this is for the best. No longer even in the picture. I have heard that Applebee's waitresses argue about who has to wait on her because she is disnice and a horrible tipper. For this I am happy.
- Miss Fiance - This will be a snap judgement based on Roommate's stories and a 45 minute lunch! She seems very nice, responsible, and attractive. She is older, but that just makes for fun jokes right now. I can see how Roommate thinks I'll get along with this one. I'd go deeper, but I don't want to push the snap judgement envelope. Please do notice the bolded word that was meant to catch attention and draw out a glaring weakness of someone else. She has a kid, and a very strong sex drive. Interestingly enough, they have now had a child together. Of whom I am a godparent. You may call me the Godfather, yes. And after more then one year of knowing her, I can say that she's a keeper. (Better be if they plan to marry in 4 months)
- General Tibulu - Work cohort. Interesting thing...I am not doing this to be a Jerk. Highly reserved. Also highly intelligent, and the major reflects that although does not require a nerd classification. In the last six months Iīve found that there was a lot more rage beneath the calm exterior. Interesting guy. Both Mr. Cīs are aright in my book, and are the current remnants of nationstates.net. Federation of Hornbachersī baby! This Mr. C would be our respectable delegate. I forgot about nationstates! That was fun. I don't recall why we quit, but I do know one thing...for this, I am sad.
- Grocery Store Bosses - The people who make my life hell and worth living. Lumberg isnīt very useful except he seems to like me in the sense I donīt make waves and am competant. Mrs. H I get along with great although I canīt say the same for many others. Miss S seems to like me, but lately I have been thinking she is a horrible boss for various reasons. Ahh, the DORC tandem...D seems at least semi-competant and an actual willingness to learn and help out from time to time. Orc on the other hand is utterly useless although I do believe he can spend large chunks of time talking to customers which could come in handy if there is a pissed off urkling. Miss C I get along with. She does though have some...power issues.
- Human Proton - Store AND Bank Cohort. Gets her name because she seems to be a source of energy rivaling the sun. Or something vaguely along those lines. She is awed by many for her seemingly endless ability to keep a smile on her face. When she and Jose, Johnny, and Jack get together that can be another story, but she herself will refer to her as a ray of sunshine (look for her in pictures to be holding her hands by her face with her fingers extending out as "rays"). She and that smile of hers are a hit wherever she goes.
- HYC - Hot Yugoslavian Chick. Who is she? I don't actually know. She has been in a few of my classes, and I've seen her around campus a few times. She is gorgeous, and she wears the most flambouyant clothes. I'm not saying slutty, although she does flaunt sometimes, but it is usually tasteful. She actually is from Yugoslavia, but she has lived in the U.S. for many years. If you happen to see her on campus, check to see if she is wearing a bra. Grab your gun, it's time to hunt kitties.
- JC - Journal Chick. Had a huge crush on her, year later got to fulfill parts of that fantasy. Went downhill from there. Friends off and on, I think she is very pessimistic which collides with my positive world. I recently found out that she plans to marry within 12 months! Shocking! My jaw hit my knee (everyone knows that it is impossible to hit the floor unless you fall).
- Miss K - She's fun! One of the more quietly cool people I know. She's cool, yet she isn't looking to be the center of attention. Real nice person, and a good friend. Alias: FT! I still can't believe it. For this, I am sad.
- Miss M - Here's a new development. All I'll say for the time being is that I have an uncontrollable urge to smile whenever she is near.
- Myself - Author of this journal. Who am I? I have a tendancy to believe I am a good person. I also have a tendancy to look down on other people on occasion. I donīt want to give the impression that I am an egomaniac, mostly I am trying to be brutally honest with myself. The purpose of this website isnīt to share my life with the world, but to write about myself for therapy reasons, but further as a way to learn about myself. So who am I? I am a college graduate with an accounting degree. I have ambitions of being an accountant cop, getting married someday, and being a "good person". I work in a grocery store and much of what I relate comes from that store. Working in a grocery store has helped me see the best, but more often the worst, in people. You would probably say I am an observer...I am the one at the party who talks to some, but am rarely in the center of things. I will be comfortable sitting in the corner listening and watching while letting my own thoughts about my surroundings swirl around this cranium of mine. As for the rest...read and ye shall learn.
- Mr. P - Another coworker, and possibly the most neurotic one listed on the page. Quite the...interesting sense of humor, and if you've heard some of his jokes, you laugh, but there are the type that you hope a minority group isn't listening. Or God. Good guy, fun guy; I enjoy hanging out with him probably more than other people at work. For whatever reason we converse better than I converse with others at work. Now, he is my roommate.
- Miss S - Ms. F's roommate. Doesn't get mentioned very much, but I thought I would include her. Mostly I love to flirt with her. I'm not convinced she has anything that would resemble friendly feelings towards me, but I just brush that off. Nice girl, although my roommate would disagree. I chalk up that discrepancy to the fact that both Miss S and I cannot stand our respective roommate's sex partner. Further she is a cheerleader, and that will inhibit anyone's mental abilities. ouch. That one stung.
- Shorty - Everyone knows who Shorty is. First and foremost, she's a bitch! I'm trying to think of a way to describe her that doesn't make her sound like an alcoholic, but I can't think of anything good at this time. She's got this kick ass dog named Chelsea. I tell you what, if I had four legs and a canine wiener...me and Chelsea would be doing it like they do it on the discovery channel. How is it that Shorty is also known as ShortBitch, but has angel gal on her license plate? Is that a philosophical discussion like ...something? Ok, just read that discovery channel line MONTHS after this was originally published, and I did laugh out loud.
- The Sis - I will include my sister in here because I just revealed to her this website. Not sure that I talk about her much, but Iīll say a few things. Love her. Closer to her than anyone else in my family. Sometimes she gets a little lost in the blonde sense of the word, but she is also mostly intelligent, and I believe she will be successful in this world.
More to come later as I feel like it.