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Life in General
Exhibit Collection: Middle Ages This excellent website shows the visitor what was it really like to live in the Middle Ages.
Timber-Framed Houses The Construction and History of Medieval Timber-Framed Houses in England and Wales.
Names A short treatise on Anglo-Norman personal names.
Life in a Medieval Castle The truth about life in a castle, dirt and all. It's rather different from the stereotyped romantic ideal.
Advice on Preserving Health Vaughan's water, consisting largely of vinegar, was reputed to be excellent for the constitution.
Illicit Trades of the Middle Ages Trades like barbers, magicians, fullers, and the ever present prostitute.
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Food and Drink
To Prepare a Most Honorable Feast "Begin with one hundred well fattened cattle, one hundred thirty sheep..."
Women Brewers Female brewers and ale-makers of the Middle Ages.
Cooking From Primary Sources Help on how to produce those genuine pre-1600 dishes. Plus recipes for medieval stews, sweets, and cakes.
Alcoholic Drinks of the Middle Ages Notes on medieval wine, mead, morath, methyglin, brandy... the list goes on.
The Fork Did you know the fork was in use before 1000CE? More on the history of the table fork.
Medieval Festival Feasts A typical noble's feast in XX was a lavish affair, with dinners including twelve courses of pastries, fish, chicken, cakes and much more.
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Armour and Clothing
Clothing and Appearance of the Pagan Anglo Saxons A detailed and interesting look at the types of clothes worn in this period, 400 - 900CE. Some pictures.
Mandrake Armory This isn't strictly medieval, but it does show pictures of medieval-style helmets, gorgets, gauntlets, and armour.
Footwear of the Middle Ages British and Scandinavian footwear of the Middle Ages.
Women's Clothing in the Middle Ages Descriptions of the differences between the clothes of the nobles and of the peasantry.
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Archaic Dictionary Correct usage and pronunciation of Middle Ages vocabulary.
Medieval Manners Much of the manners written around 1430 are pretty much common sense and still apply today.
Reading Literacy and illiteracy in the Middle Ages.
Were Medieval Women Really Uneducated? Contrary to popular opinion, some women in the Middle Ages were educated.
Women's Contact with the Outside World The few freedoms and many restraints imposed upon medieval women.
Poverty and Women Women were at a disadvantage as soon as they were born, and poverty was abundant.
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Sex and Marriage
Rape Rape was a punishable offence in the Middle Ages, if the offender could be found.
Sexual Initiation Female sexual initiation, growing up in medieval London.
Dowry of the 12th Century The dowry was commonly used by women as a form of reward for being choosen as a wife.
Medieval Contraception Medieval contraceptive potions and other strange methods of birth control.
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Religion and Myths
Mythical Plants Medieval Botannica: Mythical plants of the Middle Ages, such as the Barnacle Tree.
A brief visit to the Bestiary Mythical animals that were believed to exist by medieval folk, such as the gryphon, manticore and unicorn.
Tales of the Virgin Tales of the Virgin Mary from sermon stories of the twelfth century.
Heresy The when, who and why of heresy, focusing particularly on women.
Holy Anorexia Some female mystics in the Middle Ages would give up food as a means of religious self-assertation.
Saint Nicholas The origins of Santa Claus, who was originally called Saint Nicholas.
Christmas in the Middle Ages The customs and rituals of the festive season that date back to the medieval ages.
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Primary Sources
Hildegard of Bingen Hildegard, who lived in the twelth century, is still known today for her composing and theological writings.
Letters to Queen Eleanor In 1173, Peter of Blois wrote a letter to Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, in an attempt to chastise her.
Witchcraft Documents Documents focusing on the persecution of Witches, circa 15th century. Extracts from the 'Malleus Maleficarum'.
The Goodman of Paris A letter written by an elderly Parisian merchant for his new, much younger wife. Includes recipes.
The Famine of 1315 A firsthand account of the England's devastating famine in 1315.
The Decameron Excerpt of the Decameron by Boccaccio, discussing the onset of the Black Death.
Manorial Marriage and Sexual Offence Cases Discussing various cases of adultery in Medieval England.
A Husband's Endowment of His Future Wife The future husband writes of his betrothed. Southern Burgundy, 994CE.
Corpus Iuris Civilis The Digest and Codex: Marriages Laws of Rome.
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The Great Stirrup Comtroversy Feudalism has been thought to be caused by the introduction of stirrups.
Medieval Facts Interesting facts you may or may not know about the Middle Ages.
Castles on the Web Great website with pictures and guided tours of European castles.
Bow and Arrow Making Methods of making bows and arrows used in medieval times.
Lancelot's Castle Everything you want to know about romance, chivalry, honour and the Arthurian legend, including women and lesser known knights.
The Kindomality Test What sort of career you would have had if you lived in the Middle Ages?
Medieval Philosophy Research Base A searchable database of links and text resources for a number of Medieval philosophers - Aquinas, Hildegard, Augustine and more.

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