Ldeisia's Home Page: About Me.

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November, 1996
    Well....As I said before, my name is Shannon. I am 18 years old, have blond hair, blue eyes, wear glasses....

    What could I possibly tell you about me that you would find interesting?

    Well, I could tell you that when my family first got on the internet about one year ago, I was totally against it. I prided myself on the fact that I had never even used it once. Now, ironically, I am a complete addict! I never would have dreamed that I would someday have my own web page and here I am! Unfortunately, I was so eager to have one that I never really took the time to think of what to put on it. I'm, basically, doing this just for the sake of doing it.

    Some of my pass-times, besides fiddling with this page, include listening to music, drawing and painting, crafts, and such strange things as creating lists. I'm not even gonna go into that one.*chuckle* I have much interest in languages, though English is the only one that I speak fluently. I do however study French and have studied German in the past.

    Of the classes that I am taking right now, at the University of Saskatchewan, linguistics is my favourite.

Talk to ya later!

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