Brain Surgery/Neuro Surgery/Fun
We All Need a Surgery In This...
Hey! I see you are interested in Nerves and Brains! At the bottom of this page you can find some links to cool sites with Brainy stuff on them. I'm just a novice in this area (medicine), so don't swear too much about the content of this page ;]. As you can see I'm into graphics a little, but I'm quite a bad in writing... So don't expect much from me. If you have any comments/advices drop me a mail! Also don't swear about my English, English is my 3rd language. If you are sick of this page already, go back to the top page.
If you have any articles about extraordinary or any other interesting stuff about brains, please send them to me... I won't forget it :-]. If you like this page, give its address to your friends, so they also could learn something about brains.
OK, here comes the Link Part... Surf the 'Net and have fun!
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