A Commoner's Guide to 4/3 Jargon
- A la peanut butter sandwiches
- expression of dismay or anger. Originated from the magician in Sesame Street. See A la
tomato ketchup
- A la tomato ketchup
- same as A la peanut butter sandwiches
- Acting
- pretending to be / faking e.g. Ming Yuan's cramps in THE basketball match.
- Agar-ration
- the act of agar-agaring (wild but intelligent guessing) to answer questions. Esp. for MCQs. A technique first introduced by Mr K Choo.
- Ah Beng
- typical 'streetkid' found mostly in Singapore. Wears ostentatious, psychadellic clothes and lots of gold jewellery. Like to pull their pants high up and dye their hair in a wide spectrum of colours.
- Ah-ber then
- direct translation of "if not do/so, then what ?".
A - This sum like this do meh?
B - Ah-ber then, if you are so smart, you do yourself!
- Ah Gao
- @ Kay (Kay-er, Smartest); the bouncer from 4/3's play - No Promises for Tomorrow
- Ah Ter
- @ Melanie; At Gao's fellow bouncer
- a-i (pronounced as "ai yee")
- originally meaning 'love' in Japanese; now mainly used as a joke.
- Asshole
- curse word. A favourite of Ming Yuan's. See Esso
- Baby-G
- 'Casio' brand watch with timers that are set to beep at the end of lessons, esp the lesson before dismissal or recess.
Were quite 'hip' at one stage, until Fann Wong started parading in hers!
- Banana Bala
- curse word; used to express disappointment or anger. AKA Banana guava and Xiang Jiao Ba La.
- Banana Guava
- meaning same as Xiang Jiao Ba La and Banana Bala.
- Basketball
- 4/3ian's hidden talent; game objective is to hoop an orange-coloured rubber ball. Played on a court. 4/3ians specialise is falling or getting an injury in order to get the game in their favour.
- BF
- short for boyfriend. See Stead
- Big
- 1.Used to refer to a variety of things; used mainly of people's 'assets'
2.meaning (sarcastically) small.
- Bikini
- a 2-piece swimwear; an essential piece in every 4/3ian's wardrobe.
Rule of thumb: less is best!
- Bitch
- a favourite curse word of 4/3. Used to describe an irritating female or situation, one that is really a pain.
- Bitching
- to cry father cry mother.
- Blotting paper
- a thin tracing paper like thingy for cleaning the face. A necessity of life that a 4/3ian always carries by her side. Commonly used in the middle of the afternoon and during the Toilet-breaks or
- Blow-up
- enlargement of a perfect photograph. The 4/3ian always looks out for an opportunity like this.
- Bluff
- a 4/3ian's greatest hidden talent. Often used on teachers, her enemy and any other unsuspecting victim . See Lie
- Boy-boy
- 1. used to describe youthfulness in a guy.
2.used to mean one's Stead or BF
- Brands
- an essential 'nutrient' in the proper growth of a 4/3ian.
- Brother
- (pronounced "BRAH-DURR") a close male friend. NOT a Stead or a BF
- Cagmag
- meaning old goose (from Sie HW's notes)
- Camera
- 4/3's favourite device, used to take Photos
- Catch no ball
- slang / colloquial for 'Don't understand'
e.g. Please repeat what you just said, I catch no ball!
- Cheat
- a show of cooperation in 4/3 or an event commonly celebrated together as a class. Similiar to Lie.
- Chicken
- @ Kristin. Origins unknown.
- China : the Chinese language.
- Clothes
- a basic necessity of life. Needs to be updated at least every three days.
- Cluck
- aka Good luck. Commonly used to greet someone before a test / exam; esp if no talking is allowed.
- Commoner
- one who is not in the ranks of this group; originated from the self-proclaimed 'Smart Row'
- Colour-wolf
- peverted males. See Hum sup and Pevert
- Copy
- 4/3 version/way of doing homework.
- Corny
- 1. phenomenon whereby people's joke become sour because of stress (???)
2.@ Kay.
- Cracking
- usually used with the word 'up'. Process whereby people become mentally insane or mad (in severe cases) / corny or moody (side-effects of smaller doses) beacuse of exams or too many tests.
- Cramps
- pains in the body due to a variety of reasons from 'the time of the month' to Basketball games. An often used tactic to esape unfavourable circumstances like PE.
- Cry father, cry mother
- literal translation of a Hokkien curse phrase. Shouting out unnecessary instructions or unwelcomed comments.
E.g. Stop crying father crying mother, I am almost ready!
- Cute
- 1. ugly but adorable
2. handsome, attractive and charming guy. Esp used on actors, singers and models.
- Dao mei
- cursed; unlucky; Suay
- Day-dream
- a favourite past time, esp during long speeches and lessons (like Lit. lessons)
- Diet
- 1. a course of action that many 4/3ians have taken up and dropped time and time again
2. A subject that 4/3ians like to speak about but not do. But if they are set on it, it would be successful. Most of the time, it is not needed anyway.
- Discman
- portable CD player; to be carried everywhere, including school. See Walkman
- Distinction
- phenomenon whereby a person gets very good marks in a test or exam; due to smartness / lenient marking / having studied (rarely)
- Eating
- a basic necessity of life; Jia.
- Elephant
- the 4/3 mascot; big pink creature.
- E-mail
- a 4/3ians way of communication.
- England
- the English language.
E.g. Foor, your England damn powder man!
- EQ
- Emotional Quotient; found in variable amounts in every 4/3ian. (Sie SH says we have it !!)
- Esso
- means Asshole; originated from Ming Yuan.
- Exams
- a natural process of getting through Sceondary school. Usually met with moaning, groaning or screaming. Possibly the only time a 4/3ian studies!
- - face
- the '-' is to be filled in to scold somebody.
- Fail
- a commonly experienced, day to day event, esp with Lit.
- Fann
- a species of Lian.
- Fat hope
- put-er; in your dreams; Meng xiang
- Fats
- esters that are every 4/3ian's nightmare.
- Flatulance
- formal for fart; usually termed with the word 'flummoxed'. See Flummoxed
- Flummoxed
- formal for confused; usually combined with 'flatulance'. See Flatulance
- Food
- the most basic building blocks in a 4/3ian. Most 4/3ians like to gorge when it comes to this.
- Foor
- ( pronounced "fu-wah") an expression of sheer surprise or shock. Originated from a typo error in the Chemistry notes.
E.g. Foor! I passed the test man!
- Frenching
- short for French kissing. Every 4/3ian majors in this subject.
- Fresh-up
- brand of a pungent / strong-smelling disposable wet wipes; individually packed. Mostly used after PE lessons.
- Friends
- 1. (prounonced "fran") a person's Stead or BF
2. an informal associate or acquaintance
3. a fav. TV serial which stars David Schwimmer, Matt Le Blanc, Matthew Parry.
- Full-marks
- 1. a phenomenon where someone gets the totally marks possible on an assignment or test
2. a whole mark; rarely happens as teachers are very 'niao' and often only give half-marks.
- Geez
- an expression of shock / surprise / relieve.
E.g. Geez, thank goodness this is all over!
- Hairstylist
- person who does a hair job for a 4/3ian; one of the esp. important people in a 4/3ian's life.
- Him / he
- a code to refer to a particular guy. Normally used on one's target / Friend / Stead / BF.
- Homework
- a curse that befalls on the innocent, helpless victims of teachers; esp. when one complains / talks to the teachers too much about.
- Huh
- used to signal
1. Don't understand
2.Cannot be heard
4.How dare you?!
- Hum-sup
- chi-ko; lecherous and peverted; usually used for dirty old men. See Colour-wolf and Pevert.
- Hungry
- the first word every 4/3ian ever learnt; usually used in the lesson before recess.
- Hunk
- 4/3's favourite breed of guys. Sie HW's too!
- Hush
- keep quiet; originated from Suzy & John's love scene in the 4/3 play - 'No Promises for Tomorrow'
- In
- hip; cool.
- Indah
- 1. meaning beautiful in Bahasa Indonesian
- 2. @ Ming Yuan
- ~ Ji-ji
- alternative name for people. The '~' is filled in with that person's sirname; originated from Winnie @ Lee Ji-ji.
E.g. Leow Ji-ji.
- Jia
- meaning Eat.
- Jia sai
- literal translation of 'eat shit'. Alternative version for 'go and die'.
- Ji-dan
- egg; curse word.
E.g. You this chou (smelly) ji dan!
- Joan-y Abalone-y
- @ Joan; origins unknown
- K
- kill; murder; beat up; assissinate. See Sally
- Kay-er
- @ Kay. See Ling-er and Lai-er
- Kenna
- get; become.
- Kenna bang
- to get insulted
- Kiasee
- scared to die; chicken.
E.g. You damn kiasee man, a little cockroach like that also scared!
- Kiasu
- people who start studying too early.
- Lai-er
- @ Ga Wai. See Kay-er and Ling-er.
- Laughing
- a favourite past time of 4/3ians, esp. during lessons. 4/3ians also specialise in faking it.
- Laughing loudly
- Winnie's speciality!
- Lian
- Beng's favourite girls; esp. hated by 4/3ians. See Fann.
- Liao
- gone case.
E.g. Wah lau, tomorrow's test I sure liao one!
- Lie
- a 4/3ian's greatest ability. See Bluff.
- Ling-er
- @ Yue Ling. See Kay-er and Lai-er.
- Love
- a condition where a 4/3ian is infatuated with a guy's particular feature. Experienced pretty frequently.
- Lower your voice
- keep the pitch (of your voice) down. See also Yue Ling
- Luan
- messy; confused; flummoxed.
E.g. I am so luan now. Could you please explain this again?
- Ma ma
- @ Kristin (Chicken), who played the Mamasan in the 4/3 production.
- Make-up
- 4/3's favourite topic; to be applied onto the face.
- Maximizers
- Triumph's version of the push-up bra. Owned by many people. It is a 4/3ian's ability to be able to tell if someone is wearing one! See push-up bra and Wonderbra
- MC
- medical certificate; an essential factor for the normal and healthy growth of every 4/3ian, since it entitles one to skip school and 'rest' at home. It is often thought to be the best invention after the camera.
- Meng xiang
- literally meaning in your dreams; fat hope; forget it; are you joking?!; you think er ...
- Menopause
- often used to account for the moodiness / hot-temper / temprementality in teachers, esp the older teachers!
- Miss Heng
- this word, strike fear in the heart of every 4/3ian. It has the power of control over every 4/3ian.
- Mis-matched
- often referring to clothing. Experts in the field - teachers. NOT committed by ANY 4/3ian; if ever, it will be when such dressing is 'in'. See in
- Mun-mun
- slowly
E.g. Don't run so fast, man-man lai!
- Net
- internet. A way of life of 4/3ians.
- No-er
- literally meaning 'not no' i.e. YES; commonly used to express "is it not obvious?". See uh-duh
- Ni de tou er
- literally meaning 'your head er'; meaning that something is untrue, that something is a lie
E.g. Ni de tou er, you think I am so dumb as to give you my work?
- Nice
- stupid; often a code used to insult an ignorant vicitm.
- Nuts
- meaning someone/something is mad (N.B. this is an all time favourite catch phrase of Clara Lee)
- Oei!
- colloqial form of calling a person whose
1. name cannot be remembered
2. name is too mah-fan to say
- Out
- uncool; unhip; not in fashion; such things are often worn/done by teachers
- Party
- 4/3's favourite past time. Often occurs several times a week.
- Pass
- phenomena where by a person gets more than 1/2 of the possible marks in an assignment, test or exam. The primary aim of most 4/3ians. Usually met with sighs of relief and shouting of "I PASSED!!!"
- PE
- 2.4km runs .... 4 rounds warm-up .... circuit training and other vigorous training exercises hated my all 4/3ians.
- Pei
- 1. spit ... used to express disapproval or disgust
2. compatible
E.g. The 2 of them damn pei man!
- Perfume
- item carried around or worn about by 4/3ians, normally making the classroom smell like themselves, esp. after PE lesson; another fav past-time of 4/3ians is to trace the source of the perfume or to recognise
the brand of it.
- Pevert
- lecherous man; age varies from young to old. See colour-wolf and hum sup
- Plateau-head
- Geography teacher @ Kenneth Choo see Choo-face
- Pontang
- to skip lessons; one of 4/3's pet events ... committed very often; but sometimes, it fails and the 4/3ian will wind up in hot soup!
- Powder
- 1. powerful
E.g. Foor, your Maths damn powder man! (NB. more often than not, it is used in a scarcastic manner)
2. a substance put on the face before the make-up.
- Photos
- thick, rectangular, glossy pieces of paper with pictures printed in colour; taken by a camera. See camera
- Push-up bra
- heavily padded/specially designed bras to give that extra oomph ! ... or in 4/3 language, to "make you look bigger". Fav. patroness is Miss Sim. Yet another fav. past-time in 4/3 is to see how fast one can recognise the brand of the push-up someone is wearing! See Wonderbra and Maximizer
- pre-menstrual stress; used as a reason for someone's hot-temper or moodiness. Commonly noticed in teachers, esp female ones. However, sometimes, it is noticed in guy teachers too.
- put-er
- no-er; fang pi; your head er; bullshit; meng xiang; think er
- Sabo
- to torture or to wreck something or someone.
E.g. How can you sabo me like this? You know I hate walking!
- Sally
- 1. a member of the class
2. to kill or to K
- Sao
- a bitchy type of action; being overly flirtatious to the extent of degrading oneself.
- School songs
- used as a fav. 4/3 style of Sabo.
When 4/3ians are in home clothes and acting crazy together in a big group, they act rowdily and sing other school's school songs - with the intention of spoiling that particular school's reputation. Fav. songs include RGS and TCHS song.
- Seduce
- a 4/3 gal's talent. Often used to gain a favour esp. from males (examiners). The act of pulling up the skirt / lowering the neckline of a shirt / batting the eyelids / pluckering up / smiling extraordinarily sweetly.
- Shhh
- 1. meaning keep quiet. See Yue Ling and Lower your voice
2. Used to indicate the approach of a teacher to the classroom.
- Shit
- curse word; used to express disgust / distaste.
- Shitty-bomb
- a lengthened version of Shit.
- Shopping
- a form of exercise for the 4/3ian. See spending.
- Shy
- used to describe a person who is very 'hai siu' and keeps to his or her self / his or her stead a lot. 4/3ians specialise in this tactic, which is used to impress people when being introduced.
- Sick
- 1. having an illness .. in most cases considered a blessing because it is mostly rewarded with an MC. But in other cases, it is a curse, like during the school holidays or weekends
2. being/acting mad or gross.
E.g. Don't be sick, I'm trying to eat something here!
- Sicko
- word formed from Sick. Origins - Ming Yuan
- Sigh : an expression of being sick and tired of something. Also, Ming Yuan's favourite pastime.
- Sleep
- 4/3's favourite activity, usually done during lessons (esp. Lit. lesson). Also carried out at night and during sleeping-breaks
- Smart
- @ Joan, Joan-y Abalone-y
- Smarter
- @ Clara Lee
- Smartest
- @ Kay, Kay-er, Ah Gao
- Smart Row
- the self-proclaimed group consisting Smart, Smarter and Smartest.
- Sleeping-breaks : 5 minute (or so) breaks given before Sie SH's Maths lessons.
- Smelly King of the Eight Eggs
- literal translation of a Chinese phrase used for scolding. Originated from Kay.
- Smile
- a 4/3ian's most captivating point / characteristic. Often faked very well, esp. in photos.
- Spending
- used to supplement the shopping instinct in a 4/3ian.
- Stead
- a person's boyfriend. See Him and Friend.
- Suai
- meaning handsome and/or desirable. Esp. eligible young men.
E.g. Wah lau, Ronan is so suai! :p
- Suay
- meaning cursed; Dao mei; unlucky.
E.g. So suay ah! I was just about to win!
- Sugar
- a civilised version of Shit; taught by SPEECH AND VOICE teacher - Mrs Baptist.
- Surf
- short for surfing the internet. A favourite 4/3 past-time.
- Swatch
- used to tell the time. A necessity for a 4/3ian. HOT fav. because it was endorsed by Zoe Tay.
- Sweets
- candy; taken at regular intervals during lessons, in hope to keep awake (normally fails).
- Swimming
- 1. moving in water. Expert in the field - Mei Seen.
2. mahjong (done with kah-ki's). Some 4/3ian's favourite past-time.
- Ta ma de
- curse word. A HOT favourite word of Kristin's.
- Tai-tai
- rich man's wife. Every 4/3ian's ambition!
E.g. Wah who the hell would buy such ex stuff ? .... Only the tai-tais can afford it man!
- Teacher
- endangered species of parasites. Makes a lot of grumbling noises; with the infamous call being "4/3 AH !!!!"
- Telephone
- device which enables you to talk to another person without being face to face and in the comfort of your own home. The lifeline of all 4/3ians.
- Test
- an event which is practically insignificant in the eyes of a 4/3ian.
- Tioh pa
- get beaten up. It is a common belief that this would happen if one stares too much at a Lian or an Ah Beng.
- Tired
- being and feeling drained and totally exhausted. One of the most commonly heard / used words in 4/3 .
- Toilet
- place to
1. escape lessons
2. have a quick snack
3. beautify oneself
It is frequented by 4/3ians every 35 minutes or so.
- Toilet-break
- 5 minute (or so) breaks given before/during Sie SH's Maths lessons.
- Toilet paper
- used to symbolise
1. something being dirty
2. a long life (Jane's trademark)
I.e. May your life be as long and useful as toilet paper!
- Uh-duh
- means "isn't it obvious"; No-er.
- Wah biang
- meaning "Omigod"
E.g. Wah biang , you are on time! Wah, I'll strike 4D this week!
- Wah lau
- expression of disbelief / surprise / shock.
E.g. Wah lau eh, if you keep that up, I will die of a heart attack!
- Walkman
- an ancient version of the Discman; plays the ancient cassette tape.
- Wonderbra
- a version of the Push-up. Made famous by Miss Sim and then by Ann Kok ... ie. the criss-cross at the back one.
- X-factor
- that air about every 4/3ian. One that Sie SH says we possess.
- X-files
- one of 4/3's favourite shows, esp. because of David Duchovny.
- Xiang jiao ba la
- see banana guava and banana bala
- Xiao
- madness; experienced as a result of too much stress and homework. See nuts and Cracking.
- Yawn
- signalling sleepiness, fatigue, boredom or just to annoy/unnerve the teacher. Charlene's favourite injecture to a teacher's lesson.
- Your head er
- you think er; forget it; bull shit; fat hope.
- Yue Ling
- another word meaning "keep quiet" to the person addressed (obviously with the same name!)
- Zai
- best word to describe 4/3 gals!
IF there are anymore typos, please mail me.
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