Credits & Thanks

I like to give credit where credit is due, so here's my Credits & Thanks page. It includes the places where I got my graphics (for those that I remember), who helped me with some of the graphics (that would be my brother, Steve), where I got my counter, and so on. If you'd like to use any of the graphics made by me, please e-mail me first.


This page, main page: Free Web Graphics by Pam Bytes
Music pages, Shania page: by me
Awards pages, Shania pages, Nemo Ring Page, guestbook, Feedback form, My Awards, Poetry: unknown

Bits 'n' Pieces

Spheres for guestbook pic, by my brother, Steve, with some color and shape alterations by me
Everything on the new Music Page by me, with the exception of the e-mail and feedback icons
Guestbook from Spin
Shania Twain pics from Shania Twain Mailing List and Site and Mariah Carey pics from all over the net
Web Wow Awards 1, 2, 3, 4; guestbook pic for Mariah page, Shania divider, Mariah Divider, flower divider: all be me.
ImageMaps made with MapThis! and all the pics by me with Paint Shop Pro 3
Divider line on Poetry page from Free Web Graphics by Pam Bytes; feather line, also on Poetry page: unknown.


Home, Arrow 1 and Arrow 2: by me
Index, Next, Back on Poetry page: the buttons are from Free Web Graphics by Pam Bytes, with lettering and some other changes by me.
Feedback, E-Mail: The Icon Depot

Image Maps

All ImageMaps ( bottom of this page, Shania ImageMap, Mariah ImageMap), etc. by me (using MapThis!)

Title Pics

This page, Music, Nemo Ring Logo, What's Up?, Who Am I?, Cool Links, Homepages, Mariah Forever, Shania Twain, Poetry, My Awards, Winners, all title pics on Shania and Mariah pages: all by me
Liz's Homepage, Awards: all by my brother, Steve

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