The answers I get from you sick-o freaks never cease to amaze me. Keep 'em coming! I'm going to put up some new date
choices to feed your perverted minds.
Name withheld
Dream date? Gina Schock
Comments? I'd pick Gina up in my motorcycle and then we'd go to a Garbage show (seeing that Gina likes Garbage and I do too) we'd make out till our lips bled and then we would go to the beach and....
A disciple says..
Dream date? Jesus of Nazareth
Comments? Oh my GOD we'd go to a DELPHINES show wrapped in our togas and sandals with gangha leaf wreathes around our heads ( we'd probably smoke some of them at the show) then I'd bring GOD backstage to meet Kathy, Gina and Dominique!!!
Drew says
Dream date? Gina Schock
Comments? Why the hell Jane Wiedlin isn't on the list is a mystery to this guy!!!! Mind you,they don't rock like the Schock!!! (That was to all Baywatch bimbo-types out there). Seriously though I have to say that I'm really impressed with your home page,and its various links to other parts of the web(especially the bits about the GO-GO'S and froSTed,featuring Jane(schwing!!)Wiedlin. It's great to see true fans out there.When the revolution comes,will it be televised? Oh,regarding my dream date, it involves Gina, Jane, video cameras, 70 crates of Haagen Daas and some peanut butter. I leave it to your fertile imagination to fill in the blanks. (Fill In? Sounds like penetration time!!!)
dex says
Dream date? Marilyn Manson
Comments? it would be too bloody to say know Marilyn's disposition, and'd be like a G.G. allin dream date....Mary and Ashley could join in, those little worms.
Hoi says:
Dream date? Gina Schock
Comments? I'd rather not go into it, since this seems like a rated G page, sorry bud.
Troy says:
Dream date? Gina Schock
Comments? Gina and I munch fries, heavy with vinegar, while checking out the new Stern flick.
Afterwards, we cruise the city, radio blasting. We change the channel when a Belinda Carlisle tune comes on.
Later that night we rent the local ice rink and play a rough game of strip-hockey.
Tiphanie says:
Dream date? Gumby
Comments? Although Doug is a very close second, you did say DREAM DATE, and I know that someday in my life I will meet Doug and actually go on a real date with him, leading to us becoming "life partners", leading to an engagement, culminating in an eventual marriage, which may result in a divorce when I reveal my true, true love for...Pauly Shore. Or not, but we can pretend. So, Gumby is my dream date, since he's on the list, but I really have the hots for those rubbery red square things (now I remember...BLOCKHEADS) that walked around Gumby every once in the while, and struck fear into the hearts of many a child.
Also, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen could not be tortured, because together they constitute SATAN HIMSELF.
No, really I'm a sweet girl and a devout Taoist...just trying to be cute.
I think sometimes I try too hard, no?
Russell D says:
Dream date? Gina Schock
Comments? I suppose if I must chose from your list, Gina has gotta be it, but if I was
to pick the ideal date, I'm thinking that I would have to go with Nadia,
the Cello player in Heather Nova's band!!!
Anonymous says:
Dream date? Gina Schock
Comments? Ok, not Gina, Jane Wiedlin.Yes!! She seems like a nice
person to be around, and I'd like to know more about
how such a funny intelligent woman could make such
great music. I'm no sicko. Oh yea...AMIGA RULES!!!!!
Trish says:
Dream Date? Gina Schock
Comments? Take her to mickey d's...order large fries and a christ burger
(Don't ask me what a "christ burger" is... DQ)
Ingrid says:
Dream Date? Doug, of course!
I would wear my thong underwear and flash everyone on our way to dinner (frontal view included).
We would go to the most expensive restaurant in L.A. and then we would go to a Delphine's show and get all
hot and bothered before we make passionate love back at Doug's place while listening to the Delphines CD of course.
(Ingrid- Email me for my phone number!!!! - DQ)
Michael M. says:
Dream Date? The fat guy from Blues Traveler
Comments? hey JERK!! The fat guy's name is John Popper,
by the way--like you really care.
Joseph V. says:
Dream Date? Doug, of course!
Comments? My dream date with Doug is not for public consumption and since I don't know
where this message is going I'll refrain from going into the details.
However, I can say this: It'll be the mother of all dates and it'll ruin
Dougie for all animals, vegetables, and/or minerals from forever on.
And that doesn't mean I'm going to give him a fatal disease or anything you
sick-O's! It means that after me, he may as well go to heaven because
that's the only place where he'll feel better all over!
My mission in 1997 is to meet Dougie in person and to be #1 on his
1997 top eleven fact, I'm going to be numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
and 11!!! and all 1/2's in between too.
As for Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen....too easy. I've no time for midgets.
Lindsey says:
Dream Date? Doug, of course!
Comments? My dream date would be with the dreamiest of all...
no other than doug. When I first met doug I couldn't get my mind off him and
hoped to no avail that we might strike up a little rondezvous while in Bermuda
but **** got the better of me and the rest is kind of history. But I'm not giving
up on my newly cropped Doug and i know it's only a matter of time
before we meet secretly in our special place with that delicious odor and
colors on the wall and the textured desk and......
Jason says:
Dream Date? Bill Clinton
Comments? I would make Mary Kate and Ashley work as office assistants at Juilliard.
Pat says:
Dream Date? Courtney Love
Comments? It would be cool to go out with Courtney Love, because
you could do anything, blame it on her, and no-one would
think you were lying.
Also, I would torture the Olsen twins by making them watch
every episode of Full House while tied into chairs so they couldn't get away.
Tom says:
Dream Date? Jenny McCarthy
Comments? No talking, no meaningful engagement, just hours and hours of drunken,
drugged sex on a private beach on St. Thomas or some other beautiful island.
Just the thought of her perky breasts, firm, supple buttocks, tight tummy, and sweet
warm inviting ***** gets me all excited. I can't wait for my fantasy to
come true in my dreams tonight. I've been reading books on how to gain
more control over your dreams, so that you can fulfill all of your unmet
desires. I know, it's pathetic but what can you do?
Mike says:
Dream Date? Gina Schock
Comments? Mike gives no comments. Poo.
Robert M. says
Dream Date? Martha Stewart
Comments? Well, me & Martha go to a way swanky restaurant, where the staff all freak when they see her & grovel at her feet, desperately afraid she will report the slightest inadequacy in their bill of fare.
No need to sweat though cos she is in the mood for fun. (She's a bad tipper though). When we leave, Marti picks up the check (We had sloppy joes ). The staff look utterly relieved . They were sore afraid.
I coulda told them everything would be alright (specially after Marth serviced me under the table & insisted on picking up the check). I woulda picked Gina for the dream date but I know there's no way in hell I could score with her.
See what I mean? SICK-O's!
Now return to my main page and tell me all about your dream date....