
I am not an artist, but I do appreciate art to a certain extent. I love any kind of visual stimulus, as our eyes give us so much input. I love kaleidescopes of colour, and ripples in water, and the beautiful shapes nature makes. Ever since I first saw 3d computer scenes, I have been in love with them - the ability to create whatever surroundings you want and manifest them visually and move around in them. So here I shall put pictures by me and my friends, compter animations, fractal images, and photographs.


These animations are ZIPped up in .FLI format with their sourcecode (for Polyray) included. To view them you will need a little program called aaplay, which you can download by clicking here. To unZIP these files you will need pkunzip, which you can download by clicking here.

An animated 3d smiley face.

An animated space scene.

A couple of animations of the starship Enterprise.

A wibbly sea-anenome.


Here's a Java cyberpet I did for a project.