Now GW is going
to have a staff! There are already 5 girls, so we need 5 more to take on
jobs and help out a lot! =) Make sure if you join, you have a fair amount
of time on your hands!
To be part of
this, look over the jobs you would like to have below and make sure to
fill out the form! GW will get back to you asap, so hold tight.
This person
will maintain the Quiz page at GW! All you have to do is put up a new quiz
every new GW issue. You must know pure HTML and how to work Geocities.
Also, if you know how to make Java quiz forms -- that's a plus!
Stories Adviser
The Trauma
Story Advisor will have to be able to let girls send in their trauma stories
to their email account and post them up. Also, you'll have to edit the
stories for spelling and length. You must know pure HTML and how to work
We'll have
two ppl for this job! A helper will just do various tasks for GW...for
example, if one staffer needs help with their page while they're away on
vacation, the helper will help out with their page. Also, if Andrea needs
a big favor, she'll probably come to you to help =). You must know pure
HTML, Geocities, and forms. And be willing to actually help out a lot!