A Guestbook? What is it for anyway, besides signing? Better make use while you can. This 'pen' never runs out of ink. |
- 10/22/99 12:41:11
Colette Wilson - 07/29/99 00:48:26
My Email:surfed in
Email: ckwilson@itrini.com
From: Trini.....living in Boston
This site is interesting......may the force be with you.
Nigel Mahabir - 06/07/99 06:07:37
My URL:http://trinidad.wow.net
My Email:Signed Guest Book
Email: trinidad@wow.net
From: Trinidad
Interests: Web Sites
Favourite (movie, song, tv show ... etc.): The Matrix
Dislikes: Weridos
Nigel Mahabir - 06/07/99 06:07:20
My URL:http://trinidad.wow.net
My Email:Signed Guest Book
Email: trinidad@wow.net
From: Trinidad
Interests: Web Sites
Favourite (movie, song, tv show ... etc.): The Matrix
Dislikes: Weridos
Nigel Mahabir - 06/07/99 06:06:30
My URL:http://trinidad.wow.net
My Email:Signed Guest Book
Email: trinidad@wow.net
From: Trinidad
Interests: Web Sites
Favourite (movie, song, tv show ... etc.): The Matrix
Dislikes: Weridos
Name: ICQ Gal | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
~*HannaH*~ - 03/19/99 19:13:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/stage/9362/actualpix.html
My Email:Search.com
Email: groovy@hotmail.com
From: Canada
Interests: cats, Star Wars, internet
Favourite (movie, song, tv show ... etc.): Star Wars Trilogy
Dislikes: the french channel
Cool page. pointless, but cool. Come visit mine. It's equally pointless, but has more pictures. Ps, hint- all my pictures are linked to something. I don't remember what, but something. L8R, ~*HannaH*~