[squiggly thang]
The talk these days is all about the Information Superhighway and how the transfer of information is going to change the world. Yeah, right. The web is a circus, and you, you lucky devil have just stumbled into it's sideshow. Here you'll find what lurks at the fringes of the internet. The ditches at the side of that fabled highway, if you will. We have the geeks, the freaks, the pinheads and we've put a down payment on a bearded lady. Pick a path, part a curtain and step inside to be amazed, amused or dumbfounded...but never the same again.

[red line]


[red line]

[C of U]

[Frames Blow!]
Proud member of the I Hate Frames Club

were a WinMagWeb Hotspot!
Thanks to Windows
Magazine for
making us
their hot
spot on

featured in C*E*A
Thanks to the
fine folks at
the CEA for
honoring me
as a featured

[Cool Site of the Hour]
Woohoo, I got
another one.
Andy was wrong
...they gave
me an extra
45 minutes.

Top of the world, Ma!

[red line]

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Some of the links contained on these pages could possibly be considered offensive by certain small minded individuals in our society. If you think that you might be one of these people then I suggest that you click here to find many more people like yourself. Enjoy.

[Picture][Oddities][Oooo, scary face!]

If a hen and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a
half, how long would it take a one-legged monkey to kick
the seeds out of a dill pickle?
--Tom Robbins

When the going gets wierd, the weird turn pro.
--Hunter S Thompson

The Net is a good way to get on the Web
--Bob Dole

If combat means living in a ditch, females have biological
problems staying in a ditch for 30 days because they get
infections...on the other hand, if combat means being on an
aegis class cruiser managing the computer controls for twelve
ships, a female may be again dramatically better than a male,
who gets very, very frustrated sitting in a chair all the time
because males are biologically driven to go out and hunt
--Newt Gingrich


You can find more unbelievable quotes by clicking here.

Here it is!

[Picture][->][The Odd Site of the Week][<-]

The Loser's Atoms of Consumption. This is by
no means a warm and fuzzy site. But, it's
certainly odd.

How do I get one of these puppies for my page, you
ask? Well, just click here, lil fella!

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Joe Power!

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