Welcome to my learning page.
This is where I will put my projects for Paint Shop Pro. Over the past year I have become addicted to Paint Shop Pro. It's a amazing program and it never ceases to amaze me with it's capibilities. I have taken various classes along with joining different PSP groups and email lists. Seems I always learn something new from each one from simple to advance. On the following pages you will find various projects done by me along with the love of making snowglobes or just globes or 'eggs'. You may use any of the graphics but please don't claim them as your own and I would love to have a link back. If you are interested in any of the classes I took or that I'm taking or the email lists I belong to please email me and ask away. Most of my certificates have links to them and I will try to provide links to the sites where I got the tutorial from. While here please enjoy your stay and write me some comments as to what you think of PSP, my site or just to say "hi!"

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[ Birthday| BookWorm| Globes| Globes2| Special Globes| Easter Graphics ]
[ Animated Tree| DreamCatcher| Name Bracelet| My Room ]
