We've linked you to some local Papers, Some great old fashioned resources and a few chances to give folks your opinion. We also pointed the way to a few good old Yankee, Conservative spots to visit. EMail us and let us know what You'd like to see here !!!
So step up to the fence, breath in the crisp New England air, enjoy a good "lean", and see what the Locals are talkin' about.
The Old Farmer's Almanac OnLine
- Great Rural Reference (Region 1 Weather)
Select Vermont OnLine - Local Vermont News, Weather and Current Events
Keene Sentinel OnLine - Local New Hampshire Newspaper
Manchester Union Leader - Large New Hampshire Newspaper
WCAX TV - Vermont's Oldest Television Station
WNNE TV - Central VT & NH Television Station
WMUR TV - Great TV Station for Local & Regional News
With all the fuss about "whitewater", "travelgate","filegate" and "MonicaGate" you'd think that Hillary would know better than to leave her "briefs" out in the open !
This site last updated: Sept 26 2003
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