Penny is and always will be my best friend and August 23, 1997 she married the man of her dreams. Even though I couldn't be there in person ... my heart and my thoughts were with her on that special day.
I met Penny in 1987 just after my mother had had a stroke and I was in desperate need of someone to help me train my rottie, Reba. I was given Penny's name and phone number and before long we were the closest of friends. I could always count on Penny to tell me exactly what she was thinking in every given situation ... even if I didn't particularly care for her opinion. *lol* Although we live hours and hours apart I know that Penny would be there for me if I needed her, as I would for her.
You either love her or hate her, there is no in between with this
Canadian fireball! I choose to love her. She has always been there for me ... no matter what and I'll never forget the things she has done for me. When I sold my house and moved to Florida, I left a few things in the house which needed to be packed up and put into storage with the rest of my belongings. I think it took her a whole weekend to get rid of those few things and you have to know she let me know about it! Then when I ended up staying here permanently, the storage room needed to be emptied. We decided that the best thing would be to have a garage sale and sell most everything there. I told her the few items I wanted to keep and this wonderful friend spent I don't remember how many weekends sitting at the storage room selling all my things for me. Penny, I don't think I ever thanked you properly ... Thank you. You are an
angel and your friendship means the world to me. I am so glad we've stayed in touch over the past seven years.
Penny is ... well let's just say that she is a little bit older than I am. (Sorry Pen, I couldn't resist *lol*) She has two beautiful daughters, Amanda and Kadie. I understand that both of them have become accomplished equestrians since I left Carleton Place. I know that Penny is very proud of both of them.
I've never met Terry but if he is everything Penny says he is then she is very lucky to have found him ... almost as lucky
as he is to have found her! However, I have a word of advice for you Terry ... be good to her, because if you aren't, you have to answer to me! *lol*
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